ecn310 / course-project-accidentsteam

course-project-accidentsteam created by GitHub Classroom
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Daily Log #7

Open annarupert opened 10 months ago

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Group Log for October 25th

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Group Log for October 27th

kbuzard commented 10 months ago

@ecn310/accidentsteam Please share the OneDrive folder with Dylan and me so that we can see what your data looks like and help when needed.

kbuzard commented 10 months ago

@ecn310/accidentsteam Here is my feedback on your documentation:

  1. The structure of the master documentation on the wiki looks good!
    • I don't understand the distinction you're making between the group log and the stream of consciousness. To me, those are the same thing, and it's what you have here on this thread.
    • Please add a link to the OneDrive folder.
  2. The do-file is missing
    • I know that your team was running a lot of commands during class yesterday. Everything you're learning from the experimenting--anything that you might want to use or build off of, all that should be kept in a do-file.
  3. Somewhere you should be keeping track of the work you're doing to figure out how to test your hypothesis. This is an example of what I mean by "task documentation."
  4. There haven't been any posts to this daily log about what you've done in class this week--on your data and on your documentation.
annarupert commented 10 months ago


Tagging you in the group as requested, sorry!

  1. We can call the daily log the "daily log/stream of consciousness" if that would be more straightforward?
  2. The one drive link is now added.
  3. Additionally, we have had trouble with the do-file because we had not substantial graphs or experiments with the data. I am not sure what would be on the do-file without that?
  4. Should the stream of consciousness be updated every class or can it be updated at the end of the week? Either is fine just want to make sure we are on top of it.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve our grade on this assignment, I think we misunderstood aspects of it prior to the workshop!


kbuzard commented 10 months ago

We can call the daily log the "daily log/stream of consciousness" if that would be more straightforward?

Daily log is fine as a name. To your question in 4, it should be updated whenever anyone does anything. So definitely every class period that you work on it together; then just one person can post about what the group accomplished if you're all working together. But you should also post if anyone is doing any work outside of class. It's best practice to do this right when you're wrapping up work; if you wait, you might forget to do it at all, or you might forget to include important details.

The OneDrive link works great. Thanks!

Additionally, we have had trouble with the do-file because we had not substantial graphs or experiments with the data. I am not sure what would be on the do-file without that?

At minimum, your do-file should have the commands to open the data. Then, include any commands that you've used to explore the data, with notes about what makes sense, what doesn't make sense, what you're going to try next. This is the easiest place to document all the exploratory work you're doing. It's not just for final, perfected code.

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Hi @kbuzard I went through the variables a little more and was able to find some not so ugly ways to represent the data, the do-file should be updated and I will make sure that we have a concrete update to this log to highlight that after class tomorrow.

Thank you for the feedback!

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Group Log November 8th Prior to and In Class Updates

Prior to Class

Outliers issue

Post Class Update from Will

In class we started to look at the state of our data. Anna started an issue on the topic, which I replied to with a lot of findings on the standard deviation and range on the variables. We also helped sync the onedrive on to the computers of everybody in the group.

Yuhan-2435 commented 10 months ago

Group Log November 10th

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Group Log November 15th

Prior to Class

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Group Log November 17th

kbuzard commented 10 months ago

@ecn310/accidentsteam I'm still catching up and just finished checking over your progress and al your documentation.

I have just a few suggestions on the documentation:

Overall, I think you're headed in the right direction and making good progress. Let us know if you need help getting the variables into shape for your analysis, and make sure you're checking back in to make sure your analysis is aligned with your hypothesis.

annarupert commented 9 months ago

@kbuzard Thank you for the feedback!

I am going to rename the lit review with a more specific name and I have updated the documentation slide on the wiki as well. I will make sure I update with a log post here for the day and recap what I did more specifically.

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Group Log November 27th

Yuhan-2435 commented 9 months ago

Group Log November 29th

Will: Data Fix Anna and Yuhan: Data Analysis Tomoyoshi: Lit Review

Yuhan-2435 commented 9 months ago

Group Log December 1st


Work in Issue #17 First Draft Analysis

kbuzard commented 9 months ago

@ecn310/accidentsteam I think you need a few more task issues to cover everything that's in the plan for the rest of the semester. Some of them can be grouped together so it's not overwhelming.

In particular, you have the presentation coming up in less than a week. Who's responsible for that? What is the plan for getting it pulled together?

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Thank you @kbuzard! Here is a quick update based on your feedback.

Dec 2 Update

Yuhan-2435 commented 9 months ago

Dec 3 Update

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Dec 3 Update Part 2

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Dec 6 Update

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Daily Log for Dec 8th

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Daily Log for Dec 9th

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Dec 9th Goals and Log

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Daily Log Dec 12

Yuhan-2435 commented 9 months ago

Daily Log Dec 19

annarupert commented 9 months ago

Daily Log Dec 19

@kbuzard Thank you for a great semester!!

kbuzard commented 9 months ago

You're welcome! And thank you for all your hard work. I'm looking forward to enjoying the finished product and will get comments and the grading rubric to you ASAP (these take a LONG time to grade!)