ecn310 / course-project-international-trade-policy

course-project-international-trade-policy created by GitHub Classroom
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Plan for Final Project #10

Open aryar5 opened 6 months ago

aryar5 commented 6 months ago
Task Target Date Completed Date Assignee Notes
Submit whole package Dec. 18 Dec 19 Arya R Still need to decide where to host documentation
Final proofread of report Dec. 17 Dec 19 Sawyer, Arya, Logan Will use grammarly (or the writing center)
Final proofread of documentation Dec. 17 Dec 19 Sawyer, Arya, Logan Will use grammarly and writing center
Final documentation testing by outsider Dec. 16 Dec 18 Dylan Eldred
Edit report Dec. 15 Dec 18 Logan Faulk
Preliminary documentation testing by outsider Dec 14 Dec 15 Dylan Eldred
Documentation testing by insider Dec. 13 Dec 16 Logan Faulk
Revise report Dec. 13 Dec 16 Sawyer McFarland
Finalize documentation for testing Dec. 13 Dec 15 Logan Faulk
Revise documentation Dec. 12 Dec 15 Logan, Sawyer, Arya
First draft of report Dec. 11 Dec 13 Sawyer, Arya, Logan
Execute documentation plan Dec. 11 Dec 14 Arya R
Finalize abstract / intro Dec. 9 Dec 11 Sawyer McFarland Analysis was completed on 10th, will finish this tonight.
Finalize discussion / conclusion Dec. 9 Dec 13 Sawyer Mcfarland Analysis was completed on 10th, will finish this tonight.
Finalize data section Dec. 7 Logan Faulk We have code, working on instructions
Finalize analysis section Dec. 7 Dec 10 Arya R
Present in class for feedback Dec. 5 Dec 6 Sawyer McFarland
Finalize hypothesis/theory section Dec. 2 Dec 3 Sawyer McFarland
Finalize lit review and references Dec. 2 Dec 3 Sawyer McFarland
Complete analysis Dec. 2 Dec 5 Logan Faulk, Arya R all figures/tables need to be done
kbuzard commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy Where is your documentation plan? I've poked around a little and can't find it. I got a LOT of notifications yesterday, so I apologize if I missed it.

kbuzard commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy I don't see your draft of the analysis section in your repo file structure. Can you point me to it?

I need the .tex file to be added to the file system of your repository (not attached to an issue) so that I can give feedback on it line-by-line. Please put the PDF there as well.

eldreddyl commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy Is your group ready for the documentation testing? I'm still willing to do it, but I have limited time tomorrow and won't likely have time on Tuesday.

SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy Is your group ready for the documentation testing? I'm still willing to do it, but I have limited time tomorrow and won't likely have time on Tuesday.

Hi @eldreddyl Our ReadMe file is on our repo with our documentation reproducibility codebook and data links. Thank you I really appreciate it.

eldreddyl commented 6 months ago

@ecn310/international-trade-policy You should receive an email from me detailing suggestions I thought of while reviewing your documentation. I typed it into a word document because there was too much info for a GitHub post.

Let me know if you cannot access the document. The body of the email says this:

'Hello Trade group. I just finished going through your documentation check. Overall, I think you did a nice job of including the materials required for reproducibility, except for including your R script. I'd say the main area of improvement would be organization, both of this document and the location of said materials. I'm familiar with the organization of your repo, so I was able to find everything. However, an outsider may not.'

SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago

@eldreddyl thank you for your feedback. We have corrected the mistakes on our ReadMe and attached data sets that you can access.