ecn310 / course-project-international-trade-policy

course-project-international-trade-policy created by GitHub Classroom
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Plan for Documentation #15

Open SawyerMcFarland opened 6 months ago

SawyerMcFarland commented 6 months ago
Tasks Planned Due Date Date turned in Assignee Notes
Upload to README file --- --- Arya ---
Upload all final figures, tables, and other code outputs to Latex File Dec 15 Dec 18 Arya R ---
Create README file Dec 13 Dec 16 Sawyer ---
Upload all code required to reproduce research outputs from analysis data Dec 13 Dec 13 Logan ---
Upload all code required to derive analysis data Dec 10 Dec 10 Logan On GitHub needs to go Google doc for latex
Draft of analysis section) Dec 11 Dec 11 Arya ---
Compile LaTeX File with Analysis and Data and upload to GitHub Dec 11 Dec 12 Arya and Logan ---
kbuzard commented 6 months ago


The rest of the dates and assignees need to be filled in.

Upload all code required to derive analysis data

Upload where?

Create README file(the use and structure of the code)

I'm assuming this is one long document that gives the full set of instructions for replication. Where will it go? Will it be the Data Appendix? Or will you only have a short statement there about where to find all your documentation and files?

Who will write the high-level README that goes where the files are stored and gives the big picture of where everything is, including the report? One of the READMEs should have the name and contact information of all the team members.

Who are you going to have check the documentation (Dylan?)? When will that happen?

When will the code commenting be completed, and by whom?