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Intro to Spatial Data in R followup! #14

Open oharac opened 8 years ago

oharac commented 8 years ago

Thanks to Jamie for putting on a great workshop/tutorial on using R to work with rasters and spatial data! We hope it was helpful for everyone who was able to make it.

If you have more questions about rasters and spatial data, or want to answer someone else's questions, or have a comment related to the workshop, please use this post to communicate with the whole Eco-Data-Science group. You can reply directly from e-mail or by going to GitHub and replying there.

I'll throw out a question - someone mentioned a package that allows you to see progress bars for different R functions - what is the package? Thanks!

grantmcdermott commented 8 years ago

Hi Casey, you're looking for the pbapply package:

You call it exactly the same way you would the regular *apply family. For example, lapply(list, function) simply becomes pblapply(list, function).

Progress bars FTW.

P.S. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with mapply or the parallelized apply family (parLapply, etc.). On the other hand, I doubt many people are using those anyway.

grantmcdermott commented 8 years ago

If anyone is looking to add a progress bar to their own functions (and not necessarily run those functions within an *apply-style loop), txtProgressBar works pretty nicely:

oharac commented 8 years ago

thanks Grant! 👍