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Spatial Data 2: Vector Spatial Analysis in R #15

Open oharac opened 8 years ago

oharac commented 8 years ago

Hi all! In a couple of weeks, I'd like to follow up Jamie's recent R spatial workshop with round 2, in which we will focus on manipulating vector spatial objects, especially polygons and shapefiles. If you're interested, please visit this link to let us know when you would be available.

You don't need to have attended Jamie's workshop to get useful ideas from this workshop, though it would be helpful (you can always work through her tutorial to catch up). In addition to working with shapefiles and spatial polygons, we will do some work with rasters, some more on projections and coordinate reference systems, and a few simple analyses. We may also try out the TMap package for plotting cool maps in R!

Once we have a date and time and location, we'll post it to the group, and post it on our page; we'll also give you details on accessing the workshop materials. Again - please visit this link and let us know when you would be available - and if you have questions in advance, or topics you'd like to know more about, you can respond directly here (via e-mail or by visiting the issue directly on our github repository).

This workshop will be similar to the one I presented a few months ago, but if you attended that one, don't worry - I'll find some new things to add in this time to keep it interesting for you.



oharac commented 8 years ago

Hey all! Thanks for responses to the "whenisgood" poll, looks like Thursday, June 2 is a good day for most people. Info for the Vector Spatial Data in R workshop:

Vector Spatial Analysis in R

Please fill out this Google form to RSVP!!! (even if you're just a maybe).

We'll learn about loading, manipulating, analyzing, and writing vector spatial data (polygons and shape files) including some tricks with rasters and visualizations. Raster Spatial Data in R workshop is NOT a prerequisite! As the date gets closer, we'll post a list of resources and instructions (packages to install, etc) here (on this GitHub issue) as well as linked to our page.

oharac commented 8 years ago

Greetings Eco Data Scientists! We're looking forward to seeing you all at Thursday's workshop.

Vector Spatial Analysis in R

Set up for the workshop:


grantmcdermott commented 8 years ago

Just a heads up for those on Linux... You'll probably need to install the libgeos-dev, libproj-dev and libgdal-dev libraries on your computer before installing the list of R packages that Casey will be using for this workshop. In Ubuntu, you can do this by opening up the terminal (CTRL-ALT-t) and typing:

sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev libproj-dev libgdal-dev

I haven't tried it myself, but I imagine the process is similar for Fedora (replacing apt-getwith yum) and other Linux flavours.