eco-detectives / primer_of_ecology_r

Reading/coding group repository for Primer of Ecology in R
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Logistics for Primer of Ecology with R #1

Open oharac opened 5 years ago

oharac commented 5 years ago

Let's use this Github issue decide on how we want to coordinate this coding club. With people all over the world this summer, it might be tough to coordinate all of us on a Zoom, but I think we can work around that to maximize learning and minimize pain and suffering. Here's a proposal to start us out - I think it's pretty good but would welcome alternate ideas or improvements!

Starting out Chapter 1

To start out, I've copied all the code bits from Chapter 1 into an R Markdown here, as a template: ch1/chapter_1_starter.Rmd. Each team can make a copy of their own, decide how to divide the work, and get cracking. I will take responsibility for prepping a chapter template as needed.

Teaming up, here's an idea. I think we could classify ourselves into three categories of R expertise/comfort in the group, low-medium-high. Not sure who fits what category, but here is a quick poll so people can self-assess. Pedagogically, pairing a low-expertise person with a high-expertise might not provide as much benefit as pairing low-medium or medium-high. Alternately, it might be cool to form triplet teams, with one person from each category as much as possible.

It might make sense to have SB local folks team up when possible, in case they want to meet in person, and have remote folks team up as well (can't meet in person, but them's the breaks). I think it also makes sense to rotate teams maybe every chapter or two just so everyone gets a chance to see the workflows of many people.

What do people think?

Please respond to this issue with comments/ideas (in case you're new to this, you can respond directly via e-mail, or click on the footer to have it link to the issue on Github). If you like my proposed ideas, feel free to respond saying so as well, just so we can be sure to hear from everyone.

Please fill out this quick poll to provide info on your self-assessed comfort/expertise in R, and your local/remote status for the summer and maybe into Fall quarter. (this is the same poll linked above)

Please also fill out this WhenIsGood poll (the results code is jzeypq4) to figure out a day/time that works reasonably well for Zoom sessions. If we can't find something good during regular SB working hours we can try another more expansive poll...

couture322 commented 5 years ago

Sounds great, Casey! Thanks for organizing. Are you going to take care of making the teams...potentially weekly/bi-weekly. That's my only concern! I'll be out of town next week but plan to be here starting the following week and on

ignacia-rivera commented 5 years ago

It all sounds good to me! I already filled the surveys and the poll

seanmdenny commented 5 years ago

This looks great, Casey. I'm onboard. I might be out of town for a week at the end of July/beginning of August, but am planning to be around otherwise.

oharac commented 5 years ago

thanks to those who filled out the polls already (go fill 'em out if you haven't yet!). I can take on the task of creating groups, based on where you placed your skill level on the R comfort level survey. I'll try to create them early next week so people can coordinate and start working on chapter 1! After the first chapter we can see if we want to stick with the same groups for chapter 2 or switch it up for variety.

Only a few folks have done the WhenIsGood poll and looks like it will be tough to find a time where everyone can make it (no surprise). Mornings each day generally look pretty good, maybe afternoons on Monday or Thursday (you can see the results by going to the poll and entering the results code jzeypq4. Hopefully with people teaming up and posting summaries of the calls, hopefully everyone will be able to keep up even if they can't join a Zoom call. I can also use the WhenIsGood results to help form teams so y'all have some common times to maybe get together on your own.

oharac commented 5 years ago

hey all, so here are some quick teams to start out. Maybe each group can start your own issues thread here in this repo, so you can coordinate as a team on who is doing what (we'll all see everyone's threads) I have assigned team names but feel free to change 'em. Based on those who responded to the WhenIsGood poll seems like these teams should also be able to find a time for a Zoom chat during the week if that would be helpful.

For this first session, we can focus on the coding in the chapter, and then next time (week of July 18th or whenever) we can focus on the end-of-chapter questions. Work in this repo, but make sure to make a copy of the template, and your whole group can work collaboratively on that copy (also getting in some good practice with Github!). I think translating the base R from the book into Tidyverse style code would be good to get proficient in both dialects of R, but decide in your group what you want to focus on. There are multiple skill levels in each team, so if you get stuck you can ask for help, and if you're already proficient, you can provide constructive feedback.

I see @kmillage on the repo - Kat, if you're interested in participating, maybe you can join the local group (Team Cadlina)? @erinwinslow I put you in my group but if you're already working with JC on similar stuff maybe you prefer to defect to his group? Did I miss anyone?

For a full group zoom, from the WhenIsGood poll (results), looks like mornings are generally good, so let's see if we can do a full group zoom session maybe 11 to 12:30 (Pacific time) on Thursday July 11? I will be remote for the first couple of weeks, but if SB people want to schedule a conference room at Bren that would be cool. Looks like mornings are tough for Jacob (DC working hours?) but maybe we can switch time for future ones.

Let's see if this thing works out!

ignacia-rivera commented 5 years ago

Great. Thanks, Casey!! Is the idea to have something done by July 11th?

oharac commented 5 years ago

That was my thought - by July 11th, your team will have worked through the code chunks and translated, commented, whatever feels like the best way to make sense of them. Then on the 11th, on the whole group Zoom call, perhaps one group can talk through their code, showing how they did things, and other groups can ask questions, give feedback, or show other ways they approached the same problem. Then the next week or so the groups will use their code to answer the end of chapter questions.

couture322 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Casey, I put in a request for the Pine room for those of us that are local.

couture322 commented 5 years ago

Pine room is booked for us next week: 7/11 from 11-12:30, meet there if you're on campus

oharac commented 4 years ago

I set up a Zoom meeting for this Thursday, 7/11, at 11 PDT, for all of us to get down and nerdy. Here's the link:

I figure one group can walk through the code they've put together and talk about the way they recoded the various bits from the book, and other groups can chime in with other ideas or questions if they approached it differently. Does any group want to volunteer to lead this first call? Otherwise I'll volunteer Team Lumpsucker (better get cracking on that code, Lumpies!)

And then once we all have a good grasp of the code we can all work through the end-of-chapter questions using the ecological principles and our beautifully crafted R, for the following week. We'll see how it goes!

oharac commented 4 years ago

New weekly meeting Zoom URL:

This one should allow people to log into the meeting without me having to be logged in.