The help dialog isn't very useful in its current state as it requires the user to understand the layout of the interface, and the task that they are supposed to be doing.
We have previously tried to solve this problem by adding some information paragraphs at the top of the help dialog.
However, during user testing, we have found that most users (understandably) skip over this large clump of text.
We should therefore improve the verification grids help dialog by showing SVG animations on how to use the verification grid.
The animations should be different for verification and classification tasks.
The animations should be simple, low fidelity renders of the verification grid.
The help dialog isn't very useful in its current state as it requires the user to understand the layout of the interface, and the task that they are supposed to be doing.
We have previously tried to solve this problem by adding some information paragraphs at the top of the help dialog. However, during user testing, we have found that most users (understandably) skip over this large clump of text.
We should therefore improve the verification grids help dialog by showing SVG animations on how to use the verification grid.
The animations should be different for verification and classification tasks.
The animations should be simple, low fidelity renders of the verification grid.