Closed ZachSGold closed 9 years ago
Here are the events that have comments:
382, 382, 75, 1030, 10, 377, 95, 200, 105, 64, 397, 283, 1026, 394, 196, 1034, 58, 261, 184, 192, 206, 426, 393, 8, 8, 184
I did a quick look through these and I think we should wipe them and start fresh
Ok, they're gone. Here's a copy for the record.
ubuntu@ip-172-30-0-184:~$ mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5 connecting to: test rs0:PRIMARY> use grid switched to db grid rs0:PRIMARY> db.comments.find() { "_id" : "nJXPBcnoxe3w7ByAp", "comment" : "Origin of HIV should probably be a scientific article, not a UK charity. \nBoth World Bank, and NIH citations are to general organization webpage, not to a specific page, which seems more appropriate. \nOtherwise seems good.", "event" : "382", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T16:20:18.100Z") } { "_id" : "J3ZwJM79KC48PwcDA", "comment" : "For example, CDC page citation makes more sense.", "event" : "382", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T16:21:09.349Z") } { "_id" : "kPodgQD9xae4QeZk4", "comment" : "Besides being a strain analysis of E coli, why is this in the database at all? \n", "event" : "75", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T16:27:27.524Z") } { "_id" : "opAwAbF6j6wQqcQTC", "comment" : "I realize the original article called it just a \"cubicle\", but perhaps \"hospital cubicle\" would be better, because I've never heard the term used outside of an office. \n\nFYI, Mindy and Billy particularly have connections to South Africa's NICD, which might be a good outside reviewer when the time comes. \n\nOtherwise, looks fine.", "event" : "1030", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T19:43:16.318Z") } { "_id" : "JsfxJmCD3xL7tySdh", "comment" : "You seem to have geo-located this to Brighton, England, UK on the map and not Brighton, the neighborhood of Boston, MA. The address of the hospital seems to be 736 Cambridge St\nBoston, MA 02135.\n \nYou say \"No death was reported, however the patient failed to return to follow-ups after two and a half years.\" I might re-phrase \"Patient known to have survived for two and half years post-treatment, but was then lost to follow-up.\" The original phrasing makes death seem the most likely outcome ( just likely unreported), whereas from what I could glean he likely survived, and just was lost to follow-up. \n\nAlso the \"The genera Afipia and Bartonella\" book chapter should probably have a better looking and more sensible citation.\n\n", "event" : "10", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:02:04.029Z") } { "_id" : "KxGYFEuiYxkPGd7m5", "comment" : "You have a vague date, but not a precise one? Maybe say \"Precise date not found\" or \"1960s\".\n\nI really don't get the logic of the chart from the text. This seems more a reverse zoonosis if anything ( although an artificial, intentional lab reverse zoonosis). It also seems more of a \"unknown\" transmission route, and has little to do medical industry changes. I don't see any suggestion that GB got it from marmosets.", "event" : "377", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:20:48.361Z") } { "_id" : "LemEKBcktC3eCTHsq", "comment" : "Looks fine.", "event" : "95", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:24:01.164Z") } { "_id" : "By5dBNxQtQ7nd9S7G", "comment" : "Fine, but obviously a bit empty. ", "event" : "200", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:25:18.116Z") } { "_id" : "hmbDL5nm87fjTWvaL", "comment" : "Looks fine.", "event" : "105", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:49:03.473Z") } { "_id" : "vMZS4hXuCZcYBRgpZ", "comment" : "Looks fine.", "event" : "64", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:50:10.181Z") } { "_id" : "FgTbpbLPS6c7z3CNp", "comment" : "Looks fine.", "event" : "397", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T20:57:09.629Z") } { "_id" : "YxJiuwi7XFSQZkxM5", "comment" : "Are we sure it's zoonotic from wildlife? The text makes it seem more like zoonotic from domestic animals, and I guess the snails being wildlife.", "event" : "283", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T21:08:40.709Z") } { "_id" : "DF9QbA7H6FaFdvfkj", "comment" : "Preferably italize mosquito species names.", "event" : "1026", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T21:09:57.849Z") } { "_id" : "iYjScyYE8ztAZy85z", "comment" : "One event location is West Point, Pennsylvania, but has been mapped as West Point, Philipines. \n\nEvent transmission marked as NF, and although there is no specific mention of transmission of this MDR HIV, they are sexually transmissible.\n\nThe table has HIV as transmissible by \"close.\" I would consider this incorrect. \n\nHere you have \"New Drug Resistance\" as but generally they have been lumped under \"Evolution\" type on other pages.\n\n", "event" : "394", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-20T21:16:37.690Z") } { "_id" : "8WEfCmhJwQdcq7rw5", "comment" : "Looks fine -Parviez", "event" : "196", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T19:52:23.724Z") } { "_id" : "MEzdbtWS3HFhvxeCQ", "comment" : "It would seem relevant to add something like:\n\"M. jacuzzii is one of many non-tuberculosis mycobacteria that can cause infections due to nosocomial contamination, among other drivers.\"\nHere are 2 relevant reviews. \n\n", "event" : "1034", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T20:14:54.559Z") } { "_id" : "5hyMXa8RiFBtTDtad", "comment" : "Title organism is E. coli O111: H-, but E. coli O111 B4 is mentioned in text. Not familiar enough with E. coli taxonomy to know if this is an issue or totally makes sense.\n", "event" : "58", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T20:52:40.299Z") } { "_id" : "9Ph5LgmWECKrSxS7k", "comment" : "Isn't there a host susceptibility category for emergence? \n\nAlso, I like to know why it's considered zoonotic maybe:\n\"Later studies suggest zoonotic origin from pet-owning health workers, although the infection can persist through nosocomial human-to-human transmission.\" that might be too strong a statement though\n\n\nBut I wonder how zoonotic transmission was indicated originally?", "event" : "261", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T20:33:02.874Z") } { "_id" : "CLiKc6AZzuuxH6T9j", "comment" : "Given how much seems unknown here might it be better to say: \"The widespread use of antimicrobial agents likely drove the emergence of this drug resistance in Pakistan.\" than the more definitive sounding:\n\"The widespread use of antimicrobial agents drove the emergence of this drug resistance in Pakistan.\"", "event" : "184", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T20:54:37.194Z") } { "_id" : "SqKz29y3bqSgoTLbu", "comment" : "No abstract", "event" : "192", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T21:18:31.416Z") } Type "it" for more rs0:PRIMARY> it { "_id" : "TpyoQeYY9dGxhXNHf", "comment" : "\"If these steps had been taken earlier the outbreak may have been better contained.\" First time I've seen an editorial statement like this in the descriptions. While likely true, maybe this isn't place for it?", "event" : "206", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T21:22:50.945Z") } { "_id" : "csZGwYrxiMS6TJ7Hp", "comment" : "Location marked on map as Norwalk, CT while text says location is Norwalk, OH.", "event" : "426", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T21:24:07.336Z") } { "_id" : "CBkLAAwxe7CDMaDaS", "comment" : "I would suggest that all the drug resistant HIVs can be assumed to transmit just like any other HIV (i.e., sexual, injection drug use).\n\", "event" : "393", "userID" : "oL78fTasmBJCdfueG", "username" : "Parviez Hosseini", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-03-30T21:41:08.985Z") } { "_id" : "t6eokFJrRpGmMHhJT", "comment" : "Also commonly known as Carrion's Disease also.\nNot clear why this was chosen as the \"first outbreak\", as disease was known for a century, and etiological agent isolated nearly 100 years ago?\nWould not classify evolution as driver.\nTypo in description \" Serologic testing confirmed that a total of 50 of 224 individuals had antibodies to the virus.\" Not a virus, a bacteria.", "event" : "8", "userID" : "XAuaWxonLQ7yMqw7s", "username" : "Kevin Olival", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-04-09T22:24:39.153Z") } { "_id" : "9tJHcDdhmH2PLDCB7", "comment" : "Michael Kosoy, CDC would be a great expert to review all the Bartonella records", "event" : "8", "userID" : "XAuaWxonLQ7yMqw7s", "username" : "Kevin Olival", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-04-09T22:25:51.422Z") } { "_id" : "9qcDQxbHmQYL4wkha", "comment" : "Because there are very few details about this event it is difficult to determine which drugs the strains are resistant to. Could use further intensive study, but will be time consuming.", "event" : "184", "userID" : "vtgWdNMogC4Njrgh3", "username" : "Zachary Gold", "timeStamp" : ISODate("2015-05-06T18:17:20.969Z") } rs0:PRIMARY> it no cursor rs0:PRIMARY> db.comments.drop() true rs0:PRIMARY>
Clean the ones that discuss potential events that have some validity. Remove events that just have a lack of information.