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Close transmission to direct transmission #298

Closed ZachSGold closed 9 years ago

ZachSGold commented 9 years ago

@jgoley Close transmission was changed to direct transmission. This change needs to be reflected in the letter icons. Right now Direct Transmission is depicted as a capital C. Please change to capital D. Thanks!

jgoley commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure why the icons are't showing (they are correct on the production server). Maybe a branch update wasn't merged into dev—I'll check on it.

jgoley commented 9 years ago

@aslagle Somehow, somewhere the font-awesome class is being extended to all ::before elements on dev. I cant find it anywhere in the styles of dev or any of the open PRs merged into it. Maybe its somewhere in the font-awesome package?

aslagle commented 9 years ago

.description::before extends .table-icon, .table-icon extends .font-awesome

could that be it?

aslagle commented 9 years ago

although that's also on prod, and it's not broken there. which also makes it unlikely to be the package

aslagle commented 9 years ago

this is weird, seems like stylus might be compiling something wrong or unexpectedly. i'm not sure what to do except individually comment out each place that extends .font-awesome and see if it fixes it.

jgoley commented 9 years ago

I found it

aslagle commented 9 years ago

oh nice, what was it?

jgoley commented 9 years ago It must be a compile error because the syntax seems right. notice anything?

aslagle commented 9 years ago

Seems to be a bug in stylus that is fixed in the latest version, but happens in v0.46.3 which meteor is still using.

After looking into this though, I think maybe we shouldn't use @extend in media queries - it basically yanks the class you extend up to the definition of the extendee, outside the media query. We might as well put the extend part outside the media query since the effect is the same, and it's misleading to have it in there.

jgoley commented 9 years ago

I agree. I actually experienced issues in Rana with extends in media queries and finally had to remove them. I'll move it out and look for others.