ecomaikgolf / alma

toy kernel written in C++ for x86-64 machines with the mere purpose of learning OS development
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structure functionalities in bootloader #43

Closed ecomaikgolf closed 2 years ago

ecomaikgolf commented 3 years ago

divide it in libraries

ecomaikgolf commented 3 years ago


├── bootloader.c
├── lib
│  ├── elf
│  │  ├── loader.c
│  │  ├── loader.h
│  │  └── types.h
│  ├── gop
│  ├── io
│  │  └── file.h
│  └── psf1
├── makefile

Working in the makefile now

ecomaikgolf commented 3 years ago

Finally got it working, make is the worst thing ever 2021-07-09-182539_675x415_scrot

foo is temporary defined in lib/elf/loader.c no nvim-lsp errors while coding

ecomaikgolf commented 2 years ago
