On Django 3 a warning appears. Here a small commit with correction to avoid it.
I noticed a regression with tldextract==3.0.2 :
_middelware.py 245: tldextract.TLDExtract(cache_file=self.pslcache)
The cache_file option is replaced by cache_dir.
My work around was to add tldextract==2.2.3 in the requirements.
Hello, On Django 3 a warning appears. Here a small commit with correction to avoid it.
I noticed a regression with tldextract==3.0.2 :
_middelware.py 245: tldextract.TLDExtract(cache_file=self.pslcache) The cache_file option is replaced by cache_dir.
My work around was to add tldextract==2.2.3 in the requirements.
Best Regards