ecomfe / vue-echarts

Vue.js component for Apache ECharts™.
MIT License
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the chart do not update when the props in option updated unless I use timer to update it. #706

Closed zhanglongqi closed 1 year ago

zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago


How are you introducing Vue-ECharts into your project?

ES Module imports


❯ npm ls
├─ @babel/parser@7.20.5
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│  ├─ @babel/parser@^7.16.4
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├─ @vue/compiler-dom@3.2.45
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│  └─ @vue/compiler-core@3.2.45
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│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
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├─ @vue/compiler-ssr@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
│  └─ @vue/compiler-dom@3.2.45
├─ @vue/reactivity@3.2.45
│  └─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
├─ @vue/reactivity-transform@3.2.45
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│  ├─ @vue/compiler-core@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
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│  └─ magic-string@^0.25.7
├─ @vue/runtime-core@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
│  └─ @vue/reactivity@3.2.45
├─ @vue/runtime-dom@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/runtime-core@3.2.45
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│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
│  └─ @vue/compiler-ssr@3.2.45
├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
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├─ echarts@5.4.1
│  ├─ tslib@2.3.0
│  └─ zrender@5.4.1
├─ esbuild@0.16.9
├─ estree-walker@2.0.2
├─ function-bind@1.1.1
├─ has@1.0.3
│  └─ function-bind@^1.1.1
├─ is-core-module@2.9.0
│  └─ has@^1.0.3
├─ magic-string@0.25.9
│  └─ sourcemap-codec@^1.4.8
├─ nanoid@3.3.4
├─ path-parse@1.0.7
├─ picocolors@1.0.0
├─ postcss@8.4.20
│  ├─ nanoid@^3.3.4
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├─ resize-detector@0.3.0
├─ resolve@1.22.1
│  ├─ is-core-module@^2.9.0
│  ├─ path-parse@^1.0.7
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├─ vite@4.0.2
│  ├─ esbuild@^0.16.3
│  ├─ postcss@^8.4.20
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├─ vue@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/shared@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/compiler-dom@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/runtime-dom@3.2.45
│  ├─ @vue/compiler-sfc@3.2.45
│  └─ @vue/server-renderer@3.2.45
├─ vue-demi@0.13.3
├─ vue-echarts@6.2.3
│  ├─ resize-detector@^0.3.0
│  └─ vue-demi@^0.13.2
└─ zrender@5.4.1
   └─ tslib@2.3.0


the chart do not update when the props in option updated unless I use timer to update it.


zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago

it seems the situation only happens on bar chart instead of pie chart,package.json,src%2FApp.vue

Justineo commented 1 year ago

You are setting option.series[0].data[0] as a ref, which cannot be consumed by ECharts itself. Updating its value also won't help. So you shouldn't use ref at the first place.

zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago

Set it as ref is my fix actually, but this fix only works on Pie, not Bar. the first project here does not use ref and it does not work.

Justineo commented 1 year ago

- option.series[0].data[0].value = props.value;
+ option.series[0].data[0] = props.value;
zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago

Maybe I did make myself clear. I mean is it possible that the chart update with the props without the timer at all.

// setInterval(() => {
//      option.series[0].data[0] = props.value;
//  }, 1000);

Justineo commented 1 year ago

I still can’t understand what’s wrong.

Please provide the reproduction, describe current behavior and expected behavior.

zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago

the pie chart will update when the props change, but the bar chart will not.

Justineo commented 1 year ago

You are using reactive for your chart option but what you really want is computed as you intended to generate a derived state from your props. This isn't related to this project.

zhanglongqi commented 1 year ago

but why do bar and pie behave so differently?