ecomontec / ecoSound-web

Web application for ecoacoustics to manage, navigate, visualise, annotate, and analyse soundscape recordings.
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Project and collection page redesign and map improvements #386

Closed kdarras closed 1 week ago

kdarras commented 11 months ago

On project and collection pages: Make maps narrower and less high and add dynamic site/recording/users/tags statistics next to them (in a box? whatever looks nice).

Add a button to maximize maps for people who want to take a better look. Sync map extent with collections in project page: if all sites of a collection are not within the extent, the collection should be filtered out, and the collection count should reflect this (same as for recordings count in collection page).

kdarras commented 11 months ago

@LiuDilongNJ 's suggestion: "It can be designed to when you open the collection page, the introduction is displayed on a full page. When you scroll down, the introduction hides, and the map and list are displayed directly."

Kevin: It would be nice that we only zoom into maps when holding the shift button, or something like this:

kdarras commented 1 month ago

working in Docker

kdarras commented 4 weeks ago

The map extent seems not linked to the collections list properly yet: opening this project: And panning the map to the left so that the eastern coastal areas are not visible, the "Berbak" collection remains visible although all sites are there.

OR for this collection this is related to another bug as described here:

I noticed a bit late, also, that the collection count is not shown yet (see first post), sorry. What is meant is that we need the count of collections to be shown just like when we show the count of total and filtered recordings inside a collection.

LiuDilongNJ commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure I understand the last sentence, the recording and the collection both change with the site display of the map.

image image

LiuDilongNJ commented 3 weeks ago

Is the full name of the ‘Berbak’ collection ‘Berbak NP phase 1 and 2’? As you can see from the filter, it has two more coordinates on the left.

LiuDilongNJ commented 3 weeks ago


kdarras commented 3 weeks ago

OK, so I understand some things better now.

You implemented that the recordings, tags and sites counts in the statistics boxes dynamically reflect what is shown on the map, but by "dynamic", I previously meant that we can show the up-to-date totals there (independently of the current map extent). However, I like this feature, so we can keep it!

I just noticed that the recordings count is not visible anymore either in the collection pages... so you have moved everything into the statistics boxes. Indeed, it makes sense and is elegant. However, we need the totals, so the best solution to solve all problems is to show them inside the statistics boxes, like this: image

Note, however, that we need to specify which users are meant. Please replace "Users" with "Taggers" and only count the users who have tags within the recordings of the current extent.

The problem with the Berbak collection seems to reveal some (access-related?) bugs. When I open it, 12 sites are displayed in the stats boxes (this is correct) but one site on the map. But when I zoom out, only one site is shown on the map and in the boxes. So, I don't see what you see. image

kdarras commented 2 weeks ago

All bugs fixed! working online.

kdarras commented 1 week ago

completed in #511