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Permanent URLs #4

Open llorracc opened 4 years ago

llorracc commented 4 years ago

In discussing what we ought to do to make our first blog post (for TFI) "professional", @sbenthall proposed that one such thing would be to make sure that there is a "permanent url" associated with that content.

That seems like a good idea. Actually, I'd take it further, and say that we should figure out how to get a doi (digital object identifier) for such items. And we ought also to investigate what would be necessary to get doi's for our other content, like REMARKs and DemARKs.

In particular, a doi should be among the things that characterize a "first-class" or proper REMARK.

sbenthall commented 4 years ago

Looks like the Scipy Conference uses CrossRef for its DOI management:

sbenthall commented 4 years ago

More info about DOIs:

llorracc commented 4 years ago

We have several questions to resolve here, I think:

  1. What do we need to do to consider an item "finished" and ready for archiving
  2. When we declare a project "finished" and ready for archiving, where do we put it for permanent access.
  3. There are a number of authorities who can issue doi's. We need an infrastructure for obtaining a doi and accomplishing whatever needs to be done

I think we should use this blog post and the associated REMARK as the first test case.

It's not clear to me what we should do in the short run. I'd put this fairly high on your priority list.

PS. Last summer we had a discussion about how we would like people to cite us, which resulted in the acknowledging page.

shaunagm commented 4 years ago

Re your questions:

  1. That's up to you, but just because something has a permanent URL doesn't mean it can't be updated if there are minor changes like typos to fix.
  2. My preference would be to keep it in Github, although that would require not changing the organization, repository name, or directory structure. Possibly we could ask Andrij to create a redirect from, say, to wherever we were hosting in Github which could be updated if we had to. Or we could just host elsewhere.
  3. There are a number of services that offer DOIs - Zenodo, Figshare, I think others.

My sense is that we should figure out question 2 first, then once that's set up we can use our permanent url to get a DOI from whoever we decide for question 3.

llorracc commented 4 years ago

cc'ing @DrDrij

Maybe a redirect is safer -- there are a number of items which are migrating between the REMARK and DemARK and HARK/example repos based on judgments about their content and structure, and based on that experience I feel that it might be wisest for the permanent link to be something we can rethink as the content evolves. Possibly the right solution is that at some point each "object" needs a UUID in some database, and its name is just a fallback. "At some point" being the operative phrase.