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Learn Vega-Lite #10

Open miguelito34 opened 3 years ago

miguelito34 commented 3 years ago
rsyoh-97 commented 3 years ago

@zstumgoren – I'm struggling a bit with understanding vega embed:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var spec = "";
  vegaEmbed('#vis', spec).then(function(result) {
    // Access the Vega view instance ( as result.view

What is the url that var spec is storing?

It also looks different from this example, where the json is directly inserted into the HTML:

      // Assign the specification to a local variable vlSpec.
      var vlSpec = {
        $schema: '',
        data: {
          values: [
            {a: 'C', b: 2},
            {a: 'C', b: 7},
            {a: 'C', b: 4},
            {a: 'D', b: 1},
            {a: 'D', b: 2},
            {a: 'D', b: 6},
            {a: 'E', b: 8},
            {a: 'E', b: 4},
            {a: 'E', b: 7}
        mark: 'bar',
        encoding: {
          y: {field: 'a', type: 'nominal'},
          x: {
            aggregate: 'average',
            field: 'b',
            type: 'quantitative',
            axis: {
              title: 'Average of b'

      // Embed the visualization in the container with id `vis`
      vegaEmbed('#vis', vlSpec);

I wasn't sure which way we were supposed to follow.

I also tried to follow this stack overflow advice and changed my data url but it doesn't work, nor do I really understand why that's supposed to help:

Thank you!!

zstumgoren commented 3 years ago

@miguelito34 Heads up that Rachel and I debugged this issue and have sent pull request #20 for integration into the master branch