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Scraper repo verification error #170

Open Sweetman opened 9 years ago

Sweetman commented 9 years ago

When I manually run the scraper, I get some sort of verification error. Traceback linked below.

merwok commented 9 years ago

Hello, thanks for the bug report. This looks like an error that should be reported to

econchick commented 9 years ago

Is this error because cryptography depends on cffi, and perhaps cffi headers aren't installed?

merwok commented 9 years ago

cffi is a Python lib that’s used to wrap C libraries, so there aren’t “cffi headers”; the error message here seems to indicate a missing library or header file in something imported by cffi (and maybe also built by cffi, looking at the filename). I suggested asking on the cryptography tracker because this looks like a packaging/installation issue in the cryptography module. The fault may be in our installation instructions, but I don’t know enough about cffi to work from the error message alone. :‑)

econchick commented 9 years ago

Ah I meant libffi-dev- I had encountered an error a few days ago while trying to install cffi that was fixed with installing libffi-dev.

But it makes me wonder, since scapy depends on twisted, twisted on crypto, crypto on libffi (and other deps if I should update the installation instructions.

This - however - doesn't really help @Sweetman since from the looks of it he is on OS X, which I don't think needs that lib. I do agree with @merwok that this may be an issue with the crypto package (and therefore this issue should be filed under their github)

Sweetman commented 9 years ago

Ok, I will file an issue in their github and get back to y'all if they reply. Thanks for the help @econchick and @merwok

Sweetman commented 9 years ago

Ok so filing the issue, I decided to see if there was anything in their installation guide. I had the openssl dependency and pip installed cryptography but I thought I'd follow their instructions just in case.

They had this appended with the pip install command and it fixed the issue: env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" CFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" pip install cryptography

I'd appreciate an explanation for that beginning piece if possible! Still a newbie so not sure what it does exactly.