econchick / new-coder

New Coder tutorials
zlib License
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RFC: Create a "new coder" GH org, migrate everything to individual repos, create skeleton package #177

Open econchick opened 9 years ago

econchick commented 9 years ago

To anyone who has interest in this repo (@merwok, @willingc , anyone else!), I am soliciting for comments for the following ideas:

New GitHub Organization w/ individual repos

I'd like to create a GitHub organization for New Coder, with 1 repo for the website itself, and 5 repos for each of the tutorials, and new repos for future tutorials.

This will allow me to do a few things:

It's also just logical in my mind to separate code from website.

Skeleton Python app

I'm also thinking about making a skeleton Python package where one can install via pip, and install an individual tutorial, a select few, or all. I imagine behavior to be like pip install newcoder[all] and pip install newcoder-dataviz (see setuptools "extras_require". I haven't given much thought to what pip install newcoder would do...

With this skeleton package, I'd add a command (similar to Django's start-project command) to create the initial setup for the user. It would at least spit out a new Python file in current working directory; not sure what else yet but I like the idea. Maybe some skeleton code, too.

The package could also have another command that could run the tests against the user's code (could be very simple or complex depending on how helpful this commands wants to be).

willingc commented 9 years ago

Sounds like a great idea. Software Carpentry has a bunch of repos that are similar in spirit. I'm huge +1 on Travis or other tools that make life easier and more maintainable :)

econchick commented 9 years ago

Thanks @willingc!

I'll leave this open for a few more days but I feel like there may not be much opposed to it. @merwok I'd really like to hear your opinion :)

merwok commented 9 years ago

I think all your points can be achieved with a single repo, but I don’t see harm in splitting the tutorials and website into separate repos.

sean-d commented 9 years ago

I have essentially done exactly this for the sake of how I prefer to organize what I am working on/with.

A single repo really is enough for what you are offering but isolation is not a bad thing either :) With the ease of pip install -r, why not compartmentalize.