ecranceMERCE / trakt

A generic goal preprocessing tool for proof automation tactics in Coq
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
14 stars 7 forks source link

Opam file outdated / Inclusion in Coq Platform #3

Open MSoegtropIMC opened 2 years ago

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

@ecranceMERCE : I find your tactic quite useful and at the same time find it sad that it starts to bit rot before it really took off.

I would consider the following steps:

Since your supplied opam file does not work with recent Coq / Elpi, I am using this one with relaxed version restrictions, which works fine with latest Coq Platform release (2022.04 - currently in publishing) and binds to your 1.0 tag:

opam-version: "2.0"
name: "coq-trakt"
maintainer: "Enzo Crance <>"
authors: [ "Enzo Crance" ]
license: "LGPL-3.0"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
build: [ make ]
install: [ make "install" ]
depends: [
  "coq-elpi" {>= "1.11.1" & < "1.14~"}
  "coq" {>= "8.13~" & < "8.16~" }
tags: [ 
  "category:Computer Science/Decision Procedures and Certified Algorithms/Decision procedures"
  "category:Miscellaneous/Coq Extensions"
synopsis: "A generic goal preprocessing tool for proof automation tactics in Coq"
description: """
Trakt is a Coq plugin that provides a new Coq tactic, trakt, for preprocessing goals before handing them to a proof automation tactic, as well as Coq commands to fill a knowledge database before calling the tactic.

Drawing inspiration from the zify tactic in the Coq standard library, it acts like a type-level funnel by casting all the possible values in the goal into a given target type. It can also express logic in Prop or bool according to the user's choice.

The translation is implemented in Coq-Elpi. It is certifying (it leaves no proof obligation), generic (the translation does not focus on a precise theory, it is determined by the parameters and user knowledge), and efficient (it tries to make sparse use of Coq conversion).
url {
  src: ""
  checksum: [
gares commented 2 years ago

I think there is some work to make a nix package out of this, so I will be able to test it in Coq-Elpi's CI (eventually) automatically.

ecranceMERCE commented 2 years ago

Hello. This sounds great. I am willing to help for this package to be available to the community, but I will not be available next week. I will check this when I come back. Thanks for the notification.

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

There is no urgency - it is more about the long term perspective.

CohenCyril commented 2 years ago

Someone made a nix package out of this already, so I can easily contribute a coq-nix-toolbox setup. Also may I suggest to move the project to coq-community? Or at least to reuse their template (I can do it alone or with you if you want).

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

@gares : is this sufficient to integrate it into ELPI's CI?

gares commented 2 years ago

Yes, but only if @CohenCyril commits to maintain that CI, since I don't know much about nix and every time I try myself I get lost by the lack of doc (when google does not know, I don't either).

ecranceMERCE commented 2 years ago

I made a new release (, updated the opam file and requested to add the package to the main opam repository ( Let's see how it goes. I will look into CI stuff and joining Coq Platform / coq-community but I am not knowledgeable in this domain. Thanks for your advice and help for the opam file.

MSoegtropIMC commented 2 years ago

@ecranceMERCE : what would be missing for inclusion in Coq Platform is a request here:

stating that you (as maintainer) want it to be added and are fine with Coq Platform charter