ecsact-dev / proposals

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About flecs #1

Open ArnCarveris opened 2 years ago

ArnCarveris commented 2 years ago

Hi, there is flecs that have own scripting language with own web dashboard that are still in development, it offers what more features that regular ECS libs, so it worth to collaborate with author to make bright future of ECS

zaucy commented 2 years ago

We love flecs! It's very possible an Ecsact runtime implementation could be created with flecs. Right now we are focusing on our EnTT runtime implementation.

However, our Ecsact language goals may differ to the flecs scripting language (from what I can tell). The Ecsact language is very focused on defining system and action execution. Check out the system execution docs.

If you have some specific flecs related features you'd like to see integrated with Ecsact (if a flecs Ecsact Runtime implementation is built) I would love to see them posted here!

ArnCarveris commented 2 years ago

Hi, relationship is one of neat features, it also works in plecs also there is inventory_system example.

Btw upcoming node api will allow define systems pipeline in plecs