ecurtiss / CatRom

Creates Catmull-Rom splines for Roblox
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Re-implement arc length reparametrization #3

Closed ecurtiss closed 2 years ago

ecurtiss commented 2 years ago

The ability to get uniformly spaced points along a spline was removed in v0.4.0 because it was too slow to be realistic to use. Today I investigated two faster methods.

The idea is that instead of solving for the position at t in [0, 1], we instead solve for the position such that the percent arc length is t. The formula for arc length is


and we want to solve for x for a given L. In our case, this integral cannot be evaluated analytically, but if we suppose that it has an antiderivative F, then by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,


At t = 0, the arc length should be 0, so F(0) = 0. This gives


or alternatively


which is the form of a root finding problem!

Furthermore, we can also find the derivative of the function


This allows us to perform Newton's method.

Algorithm comparison

I compared 3 algorithms: naive (sum distances between points until you reach the desired length), bisection with Gaussian quadrature, and Newton's method with Gaussian quadrature. Try it for yourself: image Newton is the clear winner.

Empirically, Newton tends to take 2-5 iterations whereas bisection can take 15-20.

ecurtiss commented 2 years ago

I found a paper that claims that Newton's method should be combined with bisection in order to avoid cases where the x-value falls outside of the desired interval.

Using a 5-point integration rule, Newton tends to diverge more around 0.5 (especially when the curve is symmetric) but less in [0.99, 1]. Using a 10-point rule, neither diverge and their speeds are the same. However, Newton fails horribly when the tension is cranked up (in particular where curvature is high), so we will use the hybrid method instead.

The methods for reference:

function Spline:ReparameterizeNewton(s: number)
    if s == 0 or s == 1 then
        return s

    -- Newton's method
    local integrand = function(x)
        return self:SolveVelocity(x).Magnitude

    local t = s
    for i = 1, MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS do
        local f =  GaussLegendre.Ten(integrand, 0, t) / self.length - s
        if math.abs(f) < EPSILON then
            return t
        local g = self:SolveVelocity(t).Magnitude / self.length
        t -= f / g

    warn("Failed to reparameterize; falling back to input")
    return s

function Spline:ReparameterizeHybrid(s: number)
    if s == 0 or s == 1 then
        return s

    -- Hybrid of Newton's method and bisection
    local t = s
    local lower = 0
    local upper = 1
    local iterate = 0

    local v = function(x)
        return self:SolveVelocity(x).Magnitude

    while iterate < MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS do
        iterate += 1

        local f =  GaussLegendre.Ten(v, 0, t) / self.length - s

        if math.abs(f) < EPSILON then
            return t

        local g = self:SolveVelocity(t).Magnitude / self.length
        local candidate = t - f / g

        if f > 0 then
            -- Solution is below the current t
            upper = t
            t = candidate <= lower and (upper + lower) / 2 or candidate
            -- Solution is above the current t
            lower = t
            t = candidate >= upper and (upper + lower) / 2 or candidate

    -- Failed to reparameterize; return input as "good enough"
    warn("Failed to reparameterize; falling back to input")
    return s
ecurtiss commented 2 years ago

Another idea is to approximate the parameter -> arc length parameter function. I tried approximating the function using a basis of Legendre polynomials. Sometimes it's spot-on, sometimes it's quite bad.

local Polynomial = require(script.Parent.Polynomial)
local GaussLegendre = require(script.Parent.GaussLegendre)

-- Precompute 20-point Gaussian quadrature evaluations
local function Precompute(f)
    return {
        [-0.07652652113349734] = f(-0.07652652113349734),
        [0.07652652113349734]  = f(0.07652652113349734),
        [-0.22778585114164507] = f(-0.22778585114164507),
        [0.22778585114164507]  = f(0.22778585114164507),
        [-0.37370608871541955] = f(-0.37370608871541955),
        [0.37370608871541955]  = f(0.37370608871541955),
        [-0.5108670019508271]  = f(-0.5108670019508271),
        [0.5108670019508271]   = f(0.5108670019508271),
        [-0.636053680726515]   = f(-0.636053680726515),
        [0.636053680726515]    = f(0.636053680726515),
        [-0.746331906460150]   = f(-0.746331906460150),
        [0.746331906460150]    = f(0.746331906460150),
        [-0.839116971822218]   = f(-0.839116971822218),
        [0.839116971822218]    = f(0.839116971822218),
        [-0.912234428251326]   = f(-0.912234428251326),
        [0.912234428251326]    = f(0.912234428251326),
        [-0.963971927277913]   = f(-0.963971927277913),
        [0.963971927277913]    = f(0.963971927277913),
        [-0.9931285991850949]  = f(-0.9931285991850949),
        [0.9931285991850949]   = f(0.9931285991850949),

local LegendrePolynomials = {{1}),{0, 1}),{-1, 0, 3}) / 2,{0, -3, 0, 5}) / 2,{3, 0, -30, 0, 35}) / 8,{0, 15, 0, -70, 0, 63}) / 8,{-5, 0, 105, 0, -315, 0, 231}) / 16,{0, -35, 0, 315, 0, -693, 0, 429}) / 16,{35, 0, -1260, 0, 6930, 0, -12012, 0, 6435}) / 128,{0, 315, 0, -4620, 0, 18018, 0, -25740, 0, 12155}) / 128,{-63, 0, 3465, 0, -30030, 0, 90090, 0, -109395, 0, 46189}) / 256

-- Normalize
for i, poly in ipairs(LegendrePolynomials) do
    LegendrePolynomials[i] = poly / math.sqrt(2 / (2 * i - 1))

local LegendrePrecomputes = {}
for i, poly in ipairs(LegendrePolynomials) do
    LegendrePrecomputes[i] = Precompute(poly)

local function ApproximateSpline(spline)
    local splinePrecompute = Precompute(function(x)
        return spline:ReparameterizeHybrid(x/2 + 0.5)
    local approximation =
    for i, poly in ipairs(LegendrePolynomials) do
        local polyPrecompute = LegendrePrecomputes[i]
        local inner = GaussLegendre.Twenty(function(x)
            return polyPrecompute[x] * splinePrecompute[x]
        end, -1, 1)
        approximation += poly * inner
    return approximation

return ApproximateSpline
ecurtiss commented 2 years ago

I tried another approach, this time piecewise linearly interpolating the parameterization function. This gives passable results at significantly faster speeds. The accuracy can be tuned by varying the number of intervals of the interpolating function. In the future, the approximation can be improved by using more intervals in areas of higher curvature and less intervals in areas of lower curvature. This would likely require a binary search to find the correct interval, as they would not be evenly spaced. Alternatively, a quadratic approximation with uniform intervals might work.

image image

ecurtiss commented 2 years ago

Resolved by v0.5.0.