ecwyne / meteor-polymer-elements

Add polymer-elements to Meteor project
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default metor project after installed polymer-elements click function not working #11

Closed macroramesh6 closed 9 years ago

macroramesh6 commented 9 years ago

I tried to connect polymer with meteor project.

Meteor create test Meteor add meteor add ecwyne:polymer-elements Meteor run

while running meteor says

Error: Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://", exit code of #128

Error: Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://", exit code of #128

and more similar kind of errors... after sometimes meteor says

installing polymer-elements

After sometimes

=> Meteor server restarted => Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

test.html <head>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html">
<h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>
{{> hello}}
<div><paper-checkbox checked></paper-checkbox></div>
<template name="hello">
<button>Click Me</button> //Here the Button
<p>You've pressed the button {{counter}} times.</p>

test.js if (Meteor.isClient) { // counter starts at 0 Session.setDefault('counter', 0);

Template.hello.helpers({ counter: function () { return Session.get('counter'); } });{ 'click button': function () { console.log('Button clicked'); // Not working // increment the counter when button is clicked Session.set('counter', Session.get('counter') + 1); } }); }

if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(function () { // code to run on server at startup }); }

In above code polymer element is works fine but click function is not working.

Here the list of installed packages in meteor

meteor-platform autopublish insecure ecwyne:polymer-elements