ecwyne / meteor-polymer-elements

Add polymer-elements to Meteor project
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extra http requests? #3

Closed dcsan closed 9 years ago

dcsan commented 9 years ago

does this:

  <link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html">

mean each include is generating an extra http request? is there a way to bundle these into one file?

ecwyne commented 9 years ago

This would mean additional http requests. This is how Web Components work and how Polymer is designed. There would be no way to reduce the number of http requests. Even if you bundled all of your s into a common file each of them would run an http request.

dcsan commented 9 years ago

ok thanks for the info. if you're using a few components that adds a bit of startup overhead, that i thought grunt/gulp etc were designed to solve in the non-meteor world.