ecyrbe / zodios

typescript http client and server with zod validation
MIT License
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Spread ZodObject to parameters #339

Closed matannahmani closed 1 year ago

matannahmani commented 1 year ago

Hey, I love the package and I've been trying to make a util function to spread a ZodObject into parameters instead of having to manually write the fields. I was wondering if there is any built-in function for this or if would you mind adding support for it. I tried making my own function but the types aren't being drilled properly, client get's a type error and no Intellisense

Here is my run so far: Here we define the params generator

type paramsType = Parameters<typeof makeParameters>[number][number]['type'];
function genParamsFromZ<O extends z.ZodRawShape, K extends z.UnknownKeysParam>(
  schema: z.ZodObject<O, K>,
  type: paramsType
) {
  const object = schema.shape;
  return Object.keys(object).map(
    (key) =>
        name: key,
        schema: object[key],
      } as const)

and then on the client:

  method: 'get',
  path: path('aptinfo'),
  parameters: genParamsFromZ(getApartmentInfoInputZod, 'Query'),
  response: responseZ(getApartmentInfoOutputZod),
  alias: '',
  description: 'Get Apartment Info',
  // .addEndPoint({...})
matannahmani commented 1 year ago

After more playing around i managed to almost get it, but the client still doesn't recognize the parameters client: image api builder:

function genParamsFromZ<R extends z.ZodRawShape>(
  schema: z.ZodObject<R, 'strip'>,
  type: 'Query' | 'Body' | 'Header'
) {
  const object = schema.shape;
  const params = Object.keys(object).map((key) => {
    const keyTyped = key as keyof R;
    return {
      name: keyTyped,
      schema: object[keyTyped],
  return params;

export const sesGroupZodiosRouter = apiBuilder({
  method: 'get',
  path: path('aptinfo'),
  parameters: [...genParamsFromZ(getApartmentInfoInputZod, 'Query')],
  response: responseZ(getApartmentInfoOutputZod),
  alias: '',
  description: 'Get Apartment Info',
  // .addEndPoint({...})

typescript definition on hover: image

ecyrbe commented 1 year ago

sorry i can't provide help to do this. if you need inspiration go check :