I think it's common issue for generate type from open api spec.
I am using with zodios https://github.com/astahmer/openapi-zod-client/ openapi-zod-client. But did not found any possible solution to generate enum , instead I see that only union types is possible . Any idea to generate TS enum to use this enum in a code durin compile time .
By default it's generated to union with type flag enabled or via handlebars templates you can do your self. But it is not possible to generate TS enum.
export const Format= z.enum([
export type FormatType = z.infer<typeof Format> // union one
I think it's common issue for generate type from open api spec. I am using with zodios https://github.com/astahmer/openapi-zod-client/ openapi-zod-client. But did not found any possible solution to generate enum , instead I see that only
types is possible . Any idea to generate TS enum to use this enum in a code durin compile time .Example schema json
By default it's generated to union with type flag enabled or via handlebars templates you can do your self. But it is not possible to generate TS enum.
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