ecyrbe / zodios

typescript http client and server with zod validation
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Provide a clear way to work with dates #567

Closed cyrilchapon closed 5 months ago

cyrilchapon commented 7 months ago

Working with dates is inherently a little complex when typing an API.

There are currently 2 use-cases that I would like to see covered in such a library like Zodios :

What I naïvely tried first :


import { makeEndpoint, makeApi } from '@zodios/core'
import { z } from 'zod'

const stuffDTO = z.object({
  someName: z.string(),

export const getStuffByDate = makeEndpoint({
  method: 'get',
  path: '/stuff/:stuff/word',
  response: stuffDTO,
  alias: 'getStuffByDate',
  description: 'Get a stuff by date',
  parameters: [
      type: 'Path',
      name: 'date',

export const apiDefinition = makeApi([getStuffByDate])


import { ApiDefinition } from './api-def'
import { ZodiosRequestHandler } from '@zodios/express'

import { ContextShape } from '../context'

export const getDayword: ZodiosRequestHandler<
> = async (req, res) => {
  const { date } = req.params

    someName: 'A stuff',
    someDate: date,


import { StatusBar } from 'expo-status-bar'
import { Skeleton } from 'moti/skeleton'
import { FunctionComponent, useMemo } from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View, ViewProps } from 'react-native'
import { Divider, Text } from 'react-native-paper'

import { apiHooks } from '../api'
import { AppTheme, useAppTheme } from '../style/theme'

const now = new Date(

export const MainView: FunctionComponent<ViewProps> = (props) => {
  const theme = useAppTheme()
  const styles = useMemo(() => getStyles(theme), [theme])

  const result = apiHooks.useGetWordByLanguageAndDate(
    { params: { date: now } },

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>

I was naively thinking that both

in server

  const app =, {
    express: _app,
    validate: true,
    transform: true, // Activate transformation

and in client

export const apiClient = new Zodios(appEnv.EXPO_PUBLIC_API_URL, apiDefinition, {
  validate: true,
  transform: true,

would do the trick, but apparently not.

So I thought "hey, actually I have to tell Zodios how to serialize and parse the date". And gave a shot :

const coercedDateSchema = z
  .datetime( { offset: true } )
  .pipe( )

const stuffDTO = z.object({
  someName: z.string(),
  someDate: coercedDateSchema,

But the trick is now (with transforms) both the server-side and the client side expects a string So I went :

in server

    someName: 'A stuff',
    someDate: date.toISOString(), // convert to string

and in client

  const result = apiHooks.useGetWordByLanguageAndDate(
    { params: { date: now.toISOString() } }, // convert to string

But I had to disable transformation for request in the client

export const apiClient = new Zodios(appEnv.EXPO_PUBLIC_API_URL, apiDefinition, {
  validate: true,
  transform: 'response', // Response only, on reception

This is now sort of "working", but I don't find it elegant.

I extensively searched "Zodios date" accross repos issues and discussions without any success; and I'm pretty surprised I'm the first to encounter this. Am I missing something ?

As a side note; the recommended way to parse dates string in zod is the following.

const coercedDateSchema = z
  .datetime( { offset: true } )
  .pipe( )

Which accepts a string in input, validate its appearance as an ISO8601 datetime, then coerces it into a Date object. Perfect.

stale[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

rottmann commented 5 months ago

Had the same problem and found a "simpler" solution :

const stringToValidDate =, ctx) => {
  const date = new Date(dateString)
  if (! {
      code: z.ZodIssueCode.invalid_date,
  return date

const stuffDTO = z.object({
  someName: z.string(),
  someDate: stringToValidDate, // it is a Date 