ecyrbe / zodios

typescript http client and server with zod validation
MIT License
1.59k stars 44 forks source link

Are there any new releases planned? #599

Closed faustnord closed 1 week ago

faustnord commented 2 months ago

Hello! @ecyrbe, you have created a great tool and I would like to use it in a new project. But I noticed that new releases stopped in August 2023. Tell me, are there any plans for further development of the library? Or will there be no more new releases and fixes?

toteto commented 2 months ago

Was thinking the same, but after the maintainer has gone offline (no commit activity, no PR, no issue activity), v11 seems further then ever. Maybe keep an eye on for further details.

soulchild commented 2 months ago

It's really frustrating how @ecyrbe has been promising a new release for months now with no activity on this repo whatsoever. If you're not interested in maintaining it anymore (which would be a real shame, but totally understandable), I'd appreciate you just telling us! ❤

What are the alternatives? Has anyone tried ts-rest?

Maybe it's time to leave Express behind altogether and go all in on Hono which is very actively maintained. I really enjoyed their Zod OpenAPI middleware which is somewhat similar to Zodios. Haven't tried their RPC middleware for the frontend yet though.

Still hoping for ecyrbe to get back to Zodios eventually… 🤞

ivan-kleshnin commented 2 months ago

Has anyone tried ts-rest?

I checked that. The API is very good but the docs... are missing critical pieces of information. Very few examples. I struggled on each step and had to constantly console-log and read-the-source to understand what was going on.

Still, looks legit to migrate as an option.

Zehir commented 1 month ago

Hello, Same on my side, I'm worried not to see any commits for several months, even on V11.

From what we can see on Twitter he seems to be making other stuff. Zodios seems abandoned, it's a shame it seemed very promising.

I have the same problem as #505 and seeing this issue I wonder if I would be better off not using it anymore.

bennidi commented 1 month ago

I am having issues with DELETE requests not being sent. And the plugin Api suggests things that are not actually true. We can always create a fork and push new commits. I love the idea of this library. @ecyrbe might have understandable reasons for neglecting this. I have myself maintained public OSS libs and people just expect things to work and you do all the work for free. Sometimes this is quite frustrating.

stale[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.