edamontology / edam-bioimaging

Ontology of bioimage informatics operations, topics, types of data, and data formats. EDAM-Bioimaging is an extension of the EDAM ontology (edamontology.org) dedicated to bioimaging data analysis, and developed in an open collaboration including partners from NEUBIAS (neubias.org), COMULIS (comulis.eu), and ELIXIR (elixir-europe.org)..
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2nd neubias taggathon and follow-up (alpha01 to alpha02) #2

Closed matuskalas closed 7 years ago

matuskalas commented 7 years ago

This branch contains the edits between version alpha01 and what is supposed to be released as alpha02.

It includes mostly the bulk of work collaboratively developed via consensus within a group of domain experts (for credits see at bottom). This has been done between 13th Feb and 28th Apr 2017, starting very fruitfully at the 2nd NEUBIAS Taggathon, where most of the work was done, and following up afterwards.

Massive improvements in the Operation and Topic sub-ontologies (beta quality), and some in the Data sub-ontology. (Thus especially the Format sub-ontology and partially Data are still very alpha.)

The sequence and the details of changes can be viewed at http://webprotege.stanford.edu/#projects/046821ee-2307-4d3f-b4a7-dececc665b92/edit/History

Active editors: Matúš Kalaš (@matuskalas), Anatole Chessel, Laure Plantard, Joakim Lindblad, Moritz Kirschmann With substantial content contribution from: Alexandre Dufour, Chong Zhang, Nataša Sladoje-Matić, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, David Rousseau, Romain Guiet, and NEUBIAS taggers and members of NEUBIAS WG4 lead by Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux Ontology experts: Matúš Kalaš, Alban Gaignard Bioimaging and bioimage analysis experts: Anatole Chessel, Laure Plantard, Joakim Lindblad, Moritz Kirschmann, Alexandre Dufour, Chong Zhang, Nataša Sladoje-Matić, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, David Rousseau, Romain Guiet, Irene Fondon, Szymon Stoma, Volker Bäcker, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Julien Colombelli, and other NEUBIAS taggers and members of NEUBIAS WG4