edamov / pushok

PHP client for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) - Send push notifications to iOS using the new APNs HTTP/2 protocol with token-based (JWT with p8 private key)
MIT License
368 stars 119 forks source link

Added Using Certificate example #127

Closed yosus closed 3 years ago

yosus commented 3 years ago

Added AuthProvider\Certificate

'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER=>false' seems to be needed nowadays, as I keep on getting this error :

[Exception] SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

coveralls commented 3 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 82.031% when pulling 1a0409f30ee73b9f00d1f64226a7a9bf9754d2d2 on yosus:patch-1 into 2ef2e6f1cd8ebe65de7fe32aa3da361a3e403413 on edamov:master.

edamov commented 3 years ago

Please add the description that you should disable SSL only as the temporary decision and only if you have the issue like #124 or unable to get local issuer certificate. It should not be as default value for every setup.

edamov commented 3 years ago

Thank you!