Trying to compile a DPI/PLI test in Questa results in the following error:
Warning: (vlog-144) Detected unknown compiler '/usr/share/questa/questasim/gcc-7.4.0-linux_x86_64/bin/g++'. Make sure that the CppPath INI file variable or the argument to the -cpppath option if set, is set to a path that exists
No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)
-- Compiling DPI/PLI C++ file
Error: (vlog-70) Compilation of the C/C++ src files failed with the error messages given below.
Trying to compile a DPI/PLI test in Questa results in the following error:
Warning: (vlog-144) Detected unknown compiler '/usr/share/questa/questasim/gcc-7.4.0-linux_x86_64/bin/g++'. Make sure that the CppPath INI file variable or the argument to the -cpppath option if set, is set to a path that exists No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT) -- Compiling DPI/PLI C++ file Error: (vlog-70) Compilation of the C/C++ src files failed with the error messages given below.
sh: /usr/share/questa/questasim/gcc-7.4.0-linux_x86_64/bin/g++: Permission denied