edbeeching / godot_rl_agents_examples

Example Environments for the Godot RL Agents library
MIT License
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Virtual Camera update: Rllib and onnx support, added onnx #32

Open Ivan-267 opened 5 months ago

Ivan-267 commented 5 months ago

[!IMPORTANT] This uses a mixture of plugin updates not currently in main branch including: https://github.com/edbeeching/godot_rl_agents_plugin/pull/37, https://github.com/edbeeching/godot_rl_agents_plugin/pull/40, and following modifications:

Multi-agent-env setting:

If true:

- Any AIController with done = true will receive zeroes as action values until all AIControllers are done, an episode ends at that point.

- ai_controller.needs_reset will also be set to true every time a new episode begins (but you can ignore it in your env if needed).

If false:

- AIControllers auto-reset in Godot and will receive actions after setting done = true.

- Each AIController has its own episodes that can end/reset at any point.

Set to false if you have a single policy name for all agents set in AIControllers

env_is_multiagent: false

checkpoint_frequency: 30

You can set one or more stopping criteria


episode_reward_mean: 0

#training_iteration: 1000
#timesteps_total: 10000
time_total_s: 10000000

config: env: godot env_config: env_path: "virtualcamera.console.exe" # Set your env path here (exported executable from Godot) - e.g. 'env_path.exe' on Windows action_repeat: null # Doesn't need to be set here, you can set this in sync node in Godot editor as well show_window: true # Displays game window while training. Might be faster when false in some cases, turning off also reduces GPU usage if you don't need rendering. speedup: 30 # Speeds up Godot physics

framework: torch # ONNX models exported with torch are compatible with the current Godot RL Agents Plugin

lr: 0.0003

lambda: 0.95

#gamma: 0.99

#vf_loss_coeff: 0.5
vf_clip_param: .inf
#clip_param: 0.2
entropy_coeff: 0.0001
entropy_coeff_schedule: null
#grad_clip: 0.5

normalize_actions: False
clip_actions: True # During onnx inference we simply clip the actions to [-1.0, 1.0] range, set here to match

rollout_fragment_length: 32
sgd_minibatch_size: 64
num_workers: 1
num_envs_per_worker: 1 # This will be set automatically if not multi-agent. If multi-agent, changing this changes how many envs to launch per worker.
# The value below needs changing per env
train_batch_size: 512 # Basic calculation for this value can be rollout_fragment_length * num_workers * num_envs_per_worker (how many AIControllers you have if not multi_agent, otherwise the value you set)

num_sgd_iter: 4
batch_mode: truncate_episodes

num_gpus: 0
    vf_share_layers: False
    fcnet_hiddens: [64, 64]

Onnx inference test video:

Ivan-267 commented 4 months ago

On a related note, sb3 export guide has been updated to include preprocessing, so perhaps it is easier now to export the model with it as well, will check at some point: https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/guide/export.html#export-to-onnx. But we might also need to adjust so it outputs only the action values rather than actions, values, and logprob (since we don't use the other two, and the current code in the multiagent branch only supports two different formats, our current export from sb3 and rllib).