edbrsk / d3-stencil

Charts built with D3 and Stencil. Framework-agnostic, simple.
MIT License
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Create npm release for 2.2.1 #113

Closed peterennis closed 4 years ago

peterennis commented 5 years ago

I want to look into react testing again and need a new release.

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edbrsk commented 4 years ago

I'm working on it!

peterennis commented 4 years ago

Nice! Currently testing this: https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil-ds-plugins-demo It looks to be the solution for Angular, React, and Vue (future) with Stencil.

I have a working component here: https://aeicons.adaept.com/ Integrated with Angular here: https://aetabs.adaept.com/tabs/about using the 1.9.0-x Stencil release.

I will keep you in the loop with React once the Ionic-Team get their demo working with Windows 10.