edc / bass

Make Bash utilities usable in Fish shell
MIT License
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fisher install bass #30

Closed therealmarv closed 8 years ago

therealmarv commented 8 years ago

Do I do something wrong? I want to install bass with this command:

fisher i bass

but it tries to fetch from a 404 repo http://github.com/fisherman/bass . Here is the output (ignore my set warnings there):

 ~  fisher i bass                                                                        6.3s  Sa 23 Apr 18:44:59 2016
INFO Installing 1 plugin/s
set: Warning: universal scope selected, but a global variable 'LSCOLORS' exists.
set: Warning: universal scope selected, but a global variable 'CLICOLOR' exists.
set: Warning: universal scope selected, but a global variable 'TERM' exists.
Warning! PATH is not properly set up, '/Users/marvin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin' is not at first place,
         usually this is caused by shell initialization files - check them for 'PATH=...' entries,
         it might also help to re-add RVM to your dotfiles: 'rvm get stable --auto-dotfiles',
         to fix temporarily in this shell session run: 'rvm use ruby-2.2.1'.
ARGH Fetching bass → github.com/fisherman/bass
ARGH There was an error cloning bass or more plugin/s.
INFO Try using a namespace before the plugin name: omf/bass

Or is the bass readme outdated with the command fisher install bass ?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hi @therealmarv, there was a major version bump recently. Please upgrade to 2.0 (fisherman).

The following script will fix you up quickly (from scratch):

curl -L git.io/fisher-up-me | fish
therealmarv commented 8 years ago

ok, I applied that command you mentioned. Got the same error. :( BTW my fish shell is brand new (just installed today) and fisherman too.

fish -v:

fish, version 2.2.0-790-gf28a1c5

fisher --version:

fisherman version 2.1.4 ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
ghost commented 8 years ago

Please run

fisher edc/bass

we are no longer bound to an index, so we need to specify the namespace/repo when installing plugins that are not in the fisherman organization.

I have already asked @edc in https://github.com/edc/bass/issues/29 to see whether he want to join us :)

therealmarv commented 8 years ago

That works! So the documentation here is wrong ;) https://github.com/edc/bass#using-fisherman


ghost commented 8 years ago

I'll PR right away.

Here is my outupt by the way.

screen shot 2016-04-24 at 2 01 52 am

@therealmarv One more thing, make sure to read faq#1. https://github.com/fisherman/fisherman#1-what-is-the-required-fish-version

therealmarv commented 8 years ago

@bucaran thanks for mentioning. I've upgraded to head of fish (funny somehow 😄) with homebrew. It seems to work everything including bass.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Sweet! Can close then :)