edcourtney74 / Gifty

Gifty is a shopping tool that focuses on providing original gift ideas, displaying the results in a way that makes online shopping more enjoyable.
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Research API possibilities - Due Friday 11.23 #8

Open edcourtney74 opened 5 years ago

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Status update.

APIs documented Ebay Etsy Walmart

APIs in limbo Best Buy - need to apply with non-free/.edu email account Bonanza - Ed applied. Takes 1-3 days.

APIs unavailable Amazon Product - response only in XML

Other possible APIs http://developer.macys.com

JustinL63 commented 5 years ago

looking into Price API Price API :login lambjg63@gmail.com password: UCFboot123

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Etsy API Info API key: jydjjl78x1gb73jboqntx9o1

Search active listings (without search parameters) https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/active?api_key=jydjjl78x1gb73jboqntx9o1

Search trending listings listings/trending

Possible parameters to use (Add parameters to the end using & between each one.)

keywords - searches entire listing for keyword;best to not use & between multiple words limit - default is 25 sort_on - default is created (can sort by created date, score, price) sort_order - default is down min_price max_price Can also use tag but I think keyword searches through the tag

Example queryURL https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/active?api_key=jydjjl78x1gb73jboqntx9o1&keywords=stlouiscardinals&max_price=25&sort_on=price&sort_order=up

Searches for St. Louis Cardinals items with a max price of $25 and sorts by price, lowest price to highest

Data returned (most applicable) listing_id title description price url

The initial JSON does not include any images to link to. To do that, we'd need to send a separate API using the listing ID. That API returns links to images of 75x75, 170x135, 570xN.

Sample queryURL for images: https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/589100974/images?api_key=jydjjl78x1gb73jboqntx9o1

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Amazon Product API is a no-go. They only return responses in XML.

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Bonanza API info API key=RDBsWzJbry9EfGq

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Ebay API info This one seems a little more complicated.

OPERATION-NAME - findItemsbyKeyword searches ebay listings by keyword SECURITY-APPNAME - our client ID - EdCourtn-Gifty-PRD-dc2330105-18ab1ff8

I pasted an example below that looks for keywords St. Louis Cardinals, max price of $3 in USD and returns 10 entries

http://svcs.ebay.com/services/search/FindingService/v1?OPERATION-NAME=findItemsByKeywords&SERVICE-VERSION=1.0.0&SECURITY-APPNAME=EdCourtn-Gifty-PRD-dc2330105-18ab1ff8&RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT=JSON&REST-PAYLOAD&keywords=st louis cardinals&itemFilter.name=MaxPrice&itemFilter.value=3.00&itemFilter.paramName=Currency&itemFilter.paramValue=USD&paginationInput.entriesPerPage=10

Data returned findItemsByKeywordsResponse.searchResult.item.title findItemsByKeywordsResponse.searchResult.item.galleryURL- URL of jpg of item being sold findItemsByKeywordsResponse.searchResult.item.title.viewItemURL - URL of item page findItemsByKeywordsResponse.searchResult.item.sellingStatus.convertedCurrentPrice.value

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Looked into Best Buy API. They won't give an API key to anyone using a free email address or .edu email. I only have a hotmail account and gmail account, so I can't get a key. Do either of you guys have an email address that would work? https://developer.bestbuy.com/

edcourtney74 commented 5 years ago

Walmart API Key: jvqhqj2gzzsc2vxgpmh3spad

Possible parameters to use query - searches text for keywords sort - relevance, price, title - default is relevance order - asc, desc numItems - number of items returned - default is 10 Does not look like there is a max price option.

Example query URL http://api.walmartlabs.com/v1/search?apiKey=jvqhqj2gzzsc2vxgpmh3spad&query=stlouiscardinals&sort=price

Looks for items with St. Louis Cardinals and returns 10 (default) based on price (lowest to highest - default)

Data returned items.name items.salePrice items.shortDescription items.thumbnailImage items.mediumImage items.largeImage items.productUrl