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request feedback on topics for UCLA spring quarter 2020 R class #12

Closed ozanj closed 4 years ago

ozanj commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

In order for me - and I think Patricia too - to allocate substantial time to the unrollment_proj, I want to maximize synergy between work on unrollment_proj and my spring quarter 2020 R class, which I will co-develop with Patricia in Winter 2020 and Patricia will be TA.

Question for you all: I would like you to comment on the list of topics I will cover

I will assume that students know the topics from the first 10 "modules" of my/Karina's fall 2020 R-class

I only have 10 weeks and my approach is to cover fewer topics, at slower pace, in more depth and students complete problem sets each week to practice concepts.

to the extent possible, I'll try to use datasets we are using for unrollment_proj. Also, this curriculum we develop could be part of a grant proposal that promises to provide tutorials/free online courses on the R skills we are using in unrollment_proj

Here is my tentative list of topics by week number [and I don't know how to do most of these things yet!]

  1. introduction to visualization/graphing w/ ggplot
  2. introduction to github [for rest of quarter students will be required to use github for problem sets, etc]; potentially might introduce general info on using APIs in R

3-WEEK UNIT ON STRINGS/REGULAR EXPRESSIONS [want to spend three weeks on this cuz regular expressions are hard]

  1. strings/regular expressions 1
  2. strings/regular expressions 2 [potential application: twitter data and/or web-scraping followed by pasing]
  3. strings/regular expressions 3 [potential application: twitter data and/or web-scraping followed by pasing]


  1. iteration [basic, not purr]
  2. writing functions
  3. selected additional core programming skills. For example, programming skills for writing functions that work with tidyverse (e.g., quosure, evaluation, lazy vs. tidy evaluation)


all thoughts/criticisms/musings welcome!

wdoyle42 commented 4 years ago

Not to be harsh, but marking this as off-topic and closing. Would be (truly) happy to discuss this in another forum.