Closed cedelkraut closed 5 years ago
I get
R> summary(bond_res)
Detailed summary of valuation for FixedRateBond
NPV cleanPrice dirtyPrice accruedCoupon yield
NaN 118.20864 118.46141 0.25278 0.01369
with parameters
with the current QuantLib and RQuantLib which seems correct -- but I can't help you with details. You may have to try QuantLib for the issue -- RQuantLib just passes things through.
I get the same result which is slightly off in terms of dirty price and significantly in terms of accruedcoupon, but could be that I have one of the parameters not set correctly. I have no native quantlib environment available but will try to ask in the quantlib project. thanks
Cool -- If you have a better usage example / different parameters for the daycount feel free to share here.
But yes, your use of QL 1.12.1 may be an issue. Coincidentally I could use help from Windows user building QL 1.14 for use at CRAN. If you have spare cycles.
Hi, happy to help if i can. I have a couple examples attached with the calculations and sources. I am still struggling with the accrual setting though. I have run through all possible accrual settings in the below code but the accrued interest seems unaffected. Currently i am trying to replicate the calc with the r-excel plug in.
yield <- 0.01369
coupon <- 0.0325
maturity <- as.Date('2029/04/21')
tradeDate <- as.Date('2018/11/15')
comp <- c('Actual360', 'ActualFixed', 'ActualActual', 'Business252', 'OneDayCounter', 'SimpleDayCounter', 'Thirty360', 'Actual365NoLeap', 'ActualActual.ISMA', 'ActualActual.Bond','ActualActual.ISDA', 'ActualActual.Historical', 'ActualActual.AFB', 'ActualActual.Euro')
schedule <- list(effectiveDate=as.Date('2016/11/15'),
coupon.rate <- coupon
res <- matrix(0,length(comp),2)
for (i in 1:length(comp)) {
# price a fixed rate coupon bond
calc=list(dayCounter= comp[i],
bonds <- list(settlementDays=2,
issueDate=as.Date('2016/11/21'), #needs settlement period adjust
#Same bond calculated from yield rather than from the discount curve
bond_res <- FixedRateBond(bonds, coupon.rate, schedule, calc, yield=yield)
res[i,1] <- bond_res$accruedCoupon
res[i,2] <- bond_res$dirtyPrice
Here is what I get:
R> res
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.252778 118.247
[2,] 0.252778 118.450
[3,] 0.252778 118.461
[4,] 0.252778 118.509
[5,] 0.252778 111.207
[6,] 0.252778 118.457
[7,] 0.252778 118.457
[8,] 0.252778 118.456
[9,] 0.252778 118.460
[10,] 0.252778 118.460
[11,] 0.252778 118.461
[12,] 0.252778 118.461
[13,] 0.252778 118.456
[14,] 0.252778 118.456
(BTW you can comment-out / remove library(lubridate)
and library(jrvFinance)
which are not used in that snippet.)
it seems a bit odd that the change of the day count convention for the accrual does not change the accrued coupon. In the excel plugin it does. Any ideas?
I don't know. I don't do much FI anymore. There was another mistake I only saw when I did summary -- you had 2016 and 2018 mixed up. If I set both 2018-11-15 I get
R> res
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.0361111 118.031
[2,] 0.0361111 118.235
[3,] 0.0361111 118.246
[4,] 0.0361111 118.294
[5,] 0.0361111 110.990
[6,] 0.0361111 118.241
[7,] 0.0361111 118.241
[8,] 0.0361111 118.240
[9,] 0.0361111 118.245
[10,] 0.0361111 118.245
[11,] 0.0361111 118.246
[12,] 0.0361111 118.246
[13,] 0.0361111 118.240
[14,] 0.0361111 118.240
no that setting is correct. its there to have a full coupon in the first period.
i have now replicated everything in the excel plug in there i get the right results.
i am using qlBondAccruedAmount to get the accrued amount and qlBondCleanPriceFromYield to get the price
Good. But as I don't use Excel, and as this repo is not about Excel --- could you possibly translate that into a call to RQuantLib?
I am trying to match the asx pricing with quantlib ( With the below code I get a dirty price of 118.46141 and accrued interest of 0.25278 but I would expect 118.47 and 0.259 (see attached screenshot). I included also pricing over jrvFinance which matched the asx calculator besides rounding.
I am using rquantlib 1.12.1.
Is there a setting I am missing?