eddelbuettel / t4

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R and parallel computing #5

Open n0542344 opened 4 years ago

n0542344 commented 4 years ago

tl;dr: An episode on using parallelization in R (local system multithreading, using R on GPUs and working with HPCs) would be awesome!

I'm not sure if there is an upper limit on the amount of issues I'm allowed to post ;)

Working with multithreading is a huge timesaver. On GNU/Linux (and maybe other UNIXoid OS) it's not that tricky to get started with that:

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = (parallel::detectCores() - 2))

already get's you quite far. But performing computations on local GPUs or even working on/with HPCs and other distributed systems did not seem that trivial to me.

I'm unsure if that fits into the lists of topics you planned to do, but I'd definitely love that.

Best wishes, Alex

eddelbuettel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the sugggestion. That is pretty far out in advanced stuff and maybe too high a hurdle for T^4 and it's "five+ mins if we can" length. I have to think about it.

No upper limit on suggestions. That's why we have this repo :)