eddie3 / gogrepo

Python-based tool for downloading all your GOG.com game and bonus collections to your local computer for full offline enjoyment.
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Unable to Verify games with Windows directory specified #51

Closed seattleandrew closed 1 year ago

seattleandrew commented 4 years ago

I have been successfully downloading my GOG collection to a remote (SMB fileshare) directory from Windows 10, however when I attempt to verify the games and I specify any directory, I receive the error below.

The code I use to initiate the verification is the following batch script @ECHO ON gogrepo.py verify \\NAS\FamilyStorage\Family\Games\GOG

SyntaxError: invalid syntax 16:21:30 | loading local manifest... 16:21:31 | fatal... Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\gogrepo\gogrepo.py", line 2362, in <module> main(process_argv(sys.argv)) File "C:\gogrepo\gogrepo.py", line 2335, in main cmd_verify(args.gamedir, args.skipextras,args.skipids,check_md5, check_filesize, check_zips, args.delete, args.clean,args.ids, args.os, args.lang,args.skipgalaxy,args.skipstandalone,args.skipshared, args.forceverify) File "C:\gogrepo\gogrepo.py", line 1985, in cmd_verify items = load_manifest() File "C:\gogrepo\gogrepo.py", line 337, in load_manifest return eval(ad) File "<string>", line 31896 u'downloads': ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Shiryou commented 4 years ago

It looks like there's an issue on line 31896 of your gog-manifest.dat file. Can you check if there's anything unusual on that line?

On a side note: I've noticed that running this over the network can be very slow. If your NAS supports Python (which some do), it might be quicker to SSH into the NAS and run verify locally.

eddie3 commented 1 year ago

Please re-open if this is still an issue. Thanks.