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Create page layouts with widgets #56

Open koenHuybrechts opened 13 years ago

koenHuybrechts commented 13 years ago

By default a website has multiple page layouts: Homepage, Text Page, Contact Page, ... On every page are some elements the same for every page like the header and footer and the menu might be the same. Apart from these elements, there are specific elements on a page (A list of newsitems on the latest news page, a form on the contact page, ...). Many designers find it hard to work in files with too much strange (read: PHP) code in it. Therefor a view file is a good start. But it would be very nice if all the layouts are created with widgets. For every type of page it has to be possible to create multiple layouts so that the administrator can choose which layout will be used to render a page. A layout is in fact a group of widgets where the designer can add some variables (number of showed posts, contact emailaddress, ...). This code will be rendered in some HTML-code that fits in the website. Some inspiration can be taken from: http://www.webpop.com/

koenHuybrechts commented 13 years ago

This is a suggestion of the folder layout:

Widget notation:

< widget tag + . + name of the module if there are more options the name of the module is followed by a and the specific name + . + name of the view file without extension directory seperator is + optional : and the id of the content />