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Naming Config Files? #82

Open michaelalber opened 12 years ago

michaelalber commented 12 years ago

Is it logical to name .htaccess and application.ini something like htaccess.dist and application.ini.dist? This is for two reasons, 1) so the development copy of application.ini is not accidentally committed and 2) so in a production environment either file is not overwritten by the 'latest' version, also by accident.

papayasoft commented 12 years ago

I've certainly seen this for application.ini and strikes me as a good idea.

I have not seen this for .htaccess, but seems like this is mostly necessary because the default environment is 'development'. Isn't it safer for the default to be 'production'?

Still, if we do move it to *.dist, then it hardly matters what we set as default. The app is unusable until the deployer (whether manual (as for a developer) or automated (via build system) does a token replacement on the .dist files to produce active config files.

Overall, I think it's a good idea.

eddiejaoude commented 12 years ago

What is 'dist' short for?

application.ini already has production|testing|development sections, do you think we still need separate files & then each containing 3 modes?

htacess does not have any separation, if required, possibly .tst, .dev, .prd (idea from cakephp)

michaelalber commented 12 years ago

distribution - I got it from some project I was working on ... I've seen .sample .txt .. just something to prevent overwriting a 'live' file.