eddiejaoude / Zend-Framework--Doctrine-ORM--PHPUnit--Ant--Jenkins-CI--TDD-

[DEPRECATED for ZF2 & Composer] Best practice Zend Framework (ZF) skeleton / base with Doctrine2 integration : High code coverage & build scripts using TDD. Issues section ar e used for project planning (features etc)
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Proxies in separate folder #83

Open papayasoft opened 12 years ago

papayasoft commented 12 years ago

At present, it looks like we set:

    $config->setProxyDir( APPLICATION_PATH );

in the main Bootstrap.

But in order to make that work, we'd have to make the entire APPLICATION_PATH writable, which strikes me as overly broad.

Might it be better to have a separate folder for those generated proxies? The build process would create the folder and set it writable.

Of course, it's all somewhat moot at the moment. No proxies are actually generated since our repositories currently query for complete object graphs. But in terms of best practices, it might be worthwhile.


eddiejaoude commented 12 years ago

Sounds like a good idea.

maybe /application/tmp/proxies/ ?