eddiesigner / liebling

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Add social Icon to navigation RIGHT Upper menu #477

Closed magefesa closed 1 year ago

magefesa commented 2 years ago

Hi ! I m trying to add and icon to menu navigaton right. On Ghost help there is a tuto, i ve been looking through your theme and i ve seen a file called header.hbs.

I ve done this (see below) but no results given... any help would be apreciated.

The code added is this:

<a class="social-media-icon" href="https://my.domain.com">
                <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Mattermost</title><path d="M12.081 0C7.048-.034 2.339 3.125.637 8.153c-2.125 6.276 1.24 13.086 7.516 15.21 6.276 2.125 13.086-1.24 15.21-7.516 1.727-5.1-.172-10.552-4.311-13.557l.126 2.547c2.065 2.282 2.88 5.512 1.852 8.549-1.534 4.532-6.594 6.915-11.3 5.321-4.708-1.593-7.28-6.559-5.745-11.092 1.031-3.046 3.655-5.121 6.694-5.67l1.642-1.94A4.87 4.87 0 0 0 12.08 0zm3.528 1.094a.284.284 0 0 0-.123.024l-.004.001a.33.33 0 0 0-.109.071c-.145.142-.657.828-.657.828L13.6 3.4l-1.3 1.585-2.232 2.776s-1.024 1.278-.798 2.851c.226 1.574 1.396 2.34 2.304 2.648.907.307 2.302.408 3.438-.704 1.135-1.112 1.098-2.75 1.098-2.75l-.087-3.56-.07-2.05-.047-1.775s.01-.856-.02-1.057a.33.33 0 0 0-.035-.107l-.006-.012-.007-.011a.277.277 0 0 0-.229-.14z"/></svg>

And final code on header.hbs is this:

<div class="m-nav__right">
            <button class="m-icon-button in-menu-main {{^if @custom.enable_native_search}}js-open-search{{/if}}" {{#if @custom.enable_native_search}}data-ghost-search{{/if}} aria-label="{{t "Open search"}}">
              <span class="icon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span>
            <div class="m-toggle-darkmode js-tooltip" data-tippy-content="{{t "Toggle dark mode"}}" tabindex="0">
              <label for="toggle-darkmode" class="sr-only">
                {{t "Toggle dark mode"}}
              <input id="toggle-darkmode" type="checkbox" class="js-toggle-darkmode">
                <span class="icon-moon moon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="icon-sunny sun" aria-hidden="true"></span>
            <a class="social-media-icon" href="https://my.domain.com">
                <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Mattermost</title><path d="M12.081 0C7.048-.034 2.339 3.125.637 8.153c-2.125 6.276 1.24 13.086 7.516 15.21 6.276 2.125 13.086-1.24 15.21-7.516 1.727-5.1-.172-10.552-4.311-13.557l.126 2.547c2.065 2.282 2.88 5.512 1.852 8.549-1.534 4.532-6.594 6.915-11.3 5.321-4.708-1.593-7.28-6.559-5.745-11.092 1.031-3.046 3.655-5.121 6.694-5.67l1.642-1.94A4.87 4.87 0 0 0 12.08 0zm3.528 1.094a.284.284 0 0 0-.123.024l-.004.001a.33.33 0 0 0-.109.071c-.145.142-.657.828-.657.828L13.6 3.4l-1.3 1.585-2.232 2.776s-1.024 1.278-.798 2.851c.226 1.574 1.396 2.34 2.304 2.648.907.307 2.302.408 3.438-.704 1.135-1.112 1.098-2.75 1.098-2.75l-.087-3.56-.07-2.05-.047-1.775s.01-.856-.02-1.057a.33.33 0 0 0-.035-.107l-.006-.012-.007-.011a.277.277 0 0 0-.229-.14z"/></svg>
eddiesigner commented 1 year ago


you can replace your code with this:

<a href="https://my.domain.com" class="m-icon-button in-menu-main mattermost-header-link">
  <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Mattermost</title><path d="M12.081 0C7.048-.034 2.339 3.125.637 8.153c-2.125 6.276 1.24 13.086 7.516 15.21 6.276 2.125 13.086-1.24 15.21-7.516 1.727-5.1-.172-10.552-4.311-13.557l.126 2.547c2.065 2.282 2.88 5.512 1.852 8.549-1.534 4.532-6.594 6.915-11.3 5.321-4.708-1.593-7.28-6.559-5.745-11.092 1.031-3.046 3.655-5.121 6.694-5.67l1.642-1.94A4.87 4.87 0 0 0 12.08 0zm3.528 1.094a.284.284 0 0 0-.123.024l-.004.001a.33.33 0 0 0-.109.071c-.145.142-.657.828-.657.828L13.6 3.4l-1.3 1.585-2.232 2.776s-1.024 1.278-.798 2.851c.226 1.574 1.396 2.34 2.304 2.648.907.307 2.302.408 3.438-.704 1.135-1.112 1.098-2.75 1.098-2.75l-.087-3.56-.07-2.05-.047-1.775s.01-.856-.02-1.057a.33.33 0 0 0-.035-.107l-.006-.012-.007-.011a.277.277 0 0 0-.229-.14z"></path></svg>

If you're editing the file directly on your server you might need to restart Ghost to see the changes.

Then you can inject the following styles in the Ghost Admin (Settings --> Code injection --> Site Header):

.mattermost-header-link {
  margin-left: 20px;

.mattermost-header-link svg {
  width: 22px;
  height: 22px;
magefesa commented 1 year ago

All worked like a charm !!! Thanks !!!😃