edelvalle / SuperElixir

This is a sublime plug-in that provide IDE like capabilities to sublime when working with the Elixir language.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Autocomplete on DOT problem #2

Open mjanda opened 7 years ago

mjanda commented 7 years ago

Hello, if I use Autocomplete on DOT config, autocomplete already inserts the dot and it won't trigger autocomplete dialog. Meaning I have to delete the dot and write it again.

Can anything be done about this?

Thank you

edelvalle commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, this still happening? Can you provide me more information about your environment.

Eiji7 commented 6 years ago

I have found a bugs that could be related to this topic (autocomplete). Everything seems to works well, but there are few edge cases that are weird.

  1. Firstly try type Ap, hit <enter> and after it hit <tab> twice.
  2. Secondly try type Ap, hit <enter>, type . (dot) and hit <backspace> - i.e. remove . (dot) character.
  3. Last one: same as previous + hit <ctrl+backspace> after remove . (dot) character.

I don't had a situation in which adds . (dot) character.

Note: I have tested it in new project trying to select Application module in autocomplete (when I typed Ap).

Note 2: I have one more Elixir package called Elixir.

Hope that helps.

edelvalle commented 6 years ago


  1. The first tab is fixed, the second one can't fix it. Because Sublime thinks that it sill completing "Application", and the when it commits the completion it replaces that word with the next one.
  2. and 3. Are caused because Sublime is not asking the plugin for completion, is using the previous one for "Application." and is just filtering on the previous results.

Any way I fixed that Application <tab> results in Application., I pushed it to master, can you validate this works? And the I tag it and release it.


Eiji7 commented 6 years ago

@edelvalle: sorry for late reply

I removed plug-in directory and cloned master.

Any way I fixed that Application results in Application., I pushed it to master, can you validate this works? And the I tag it and release it.

It does not work for me.

When I type Ap and hit <enter> or <tab> then I have Application. After hit <tab> plug-in adds dot automatically.

There are lots of problems with auto-completion, but as you said they are caused by editor.

For example:

  1. Ap + <enter> (gives Application) + <tab> (gives Application.) + <tab> (gives get_application(module) - without Application.)
  2. Ap + <tab> (gives Application) + <tab> (gives Application.) + <tab> (gives app_dir(app) - without Application.)
  3. other examples from my previous comment