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Unable to run meteor #589

Closed mynameismon closed 2 years ago

mynameismon commented 2 years ago

What's wrong?

On running the steps reffered to in the installation guide, and starting the app by running meteor, I am greeted with a massive wall of text

How to Reproduce

  1. Clone the repository into a fresh VM
  2. Run meteor npm install
  3. Run meteor


[[[[[ ~\D\coauthor\coauthor ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Meteor 2.5 is available. Update this project with 'meteor update'.
=> Errors prevented startup:

   While processing files with coagmano:stylus (for target web.browser):
   fs.js:462:3: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
   at Object.openSync (fs.js:462:3)
   at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:364:35)
   at readFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:169:36)
   at Array.map (<anonymous>)
   at processSourcemap (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:189:52)
   at StylusCompiler.compileOneFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:311:23)
   at getResult (packages/caching-compiler/multi-file-caching-compiler.js:113:32)
   at packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:61:30

   While processing files with coagmano:stylus (for target web.browser.legacy):
   fs.js:462:3: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
   at Object.openSync (fs.js:462:3)
   at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:364:35)
   at readFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:169:36)
   at Array.map (<anonymous>)
   at processSourcemap (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:189:52)
   at StylusCompiler.compileOneFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:311:23)
   at getResult (packages/caching-compiler/multi-file-caching-compiler.js:113:32)
   at packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:61:30

   While processing files with coagmano:stylus (for target web.cordova):
   fs.js:462:3: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
   at Object.openSync (fs.js:462:3)
   at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:364:35)
   at readFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:169:36)
   at Array.map (<anonymous>)
   at processSourcemap (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:189:52)
   at StylusCompiler.compileOneFile (packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:311:23)
   at getResult (packages/caching-compiler/multi-file-caching-compiler.js:113:32)
   at packages/compileStylusBatch/plugin/compile-stylus.js:61:30


edemaine commented 2 years ago

This looks like a transient network error. You should probably try deleting the Meteor package cache (/Users/Monish/AppData/Local/.meteor/packages/) and running Meteor again. I doubt it's a Coauthor issue.

mynameismon commented 2 years ago

Well, I tried that, and it doesn't fix it. It does seem like a meteor issue, though. However, I tried to switch back to the commit tagged coauthor-before-react, and that seems to work...

edemaine commented 2 years ago

For what it's worth, the file AppData/Local/.meteor/packages/coagmano_stylus/1.1.0/plugin.compileStylusBatch.os/npm/node_modules/meteor/compileStylusBatch/node_modules/nib/lib/nib/flex.styl (the one in your error message) exists for me. Does it exist for you?

mynameismon commented 2 years ago

That's the first thing I had checked too, and yes, it was there then.

Edit: I just checked out the latest commit and ran meteor.

> cat  /AppData/Local/.meteor/packages/coagmano_stylus/1.1.0/plugin.compileStylusBatch.os/npm/node_modules/meteor/compileStylusBatch/node_modules/nib/lib/nib/flex.styl | more
 * Vendor "display: flex" support with fallback to obsolete versions.

flex-version ?= box flex

// 1. Display values
//    - http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/#flex-containers
display(type, args...)
  if flex == type || inline-flex == type
    if box in flex-version
      if flex == type
        display: -ms-flexbox args
        display: vendor-value(box args, only: moz webkit)
        display: -ms-inline-flexbox args
        display: vendor-value(inline-box args, only: moz webkit)
    if flex in flex-version
-- More  --
edemaine commented 2 years ago

Are you saying it's working now? If so, yay!

mynameismon commented 2 years ago

I really wish! For now, I have rolled back to the version without react Nope, I have the file, but the error still shows up after checking in the latest commit.

edemaine commented 2 years ago

Weird. I looked at the diff since version before-react, and the coagmano:stylus package was added since. So perhaps that's the problem somehow. You might try:

I'm still unable to reproduce the issue. I just tried upgrading my Meteor CLI (but not the Meteor version of Coauthor — that seems to require more work) and I can still run meteor fine. I haven't tried npm install meteor from a clean machine though; I'm still using the Chocolately based install (so you could try that too).