edemaine / cocreate

Cocreate Shared Whiteboard/Drawing
MIT License
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Copy/paste #94

Open edemaine opened 3 years ago

edemaine commented 3 years ago

This would be particularly useful for pasting across boards or pages.

jkitchin commented 3 years ago

I would like to paste screenshots into cocreate so that I can annotate them. These screenshots are typically of code, or parts of a gui. I use these in teaching.

edemaine commented 3 years ago

@jkitchin Yep, that is issue #22.

duetosymmetry commented 3 years ago

This web page has an explanation, working code, and a live demo for how to gracefully copy/paste nontrivial data (with SVG as an example). I expected a Blob of type 'image/svg+xml' to be pasted, but that is not the case — that's currently unsupported. Instead, the clipboard should contain multiple representations of the same data. The raw svg appears with type 'text/plain', and a rendering of the svg is included as an 'image/png'.

edemaine commented 3 years ago

(moved your message for you)

Yeah, I have some experience in Coauthor with defining a custom data type for internal representations of data. Oh, actually, looks like I only did so for dragging (also here), but I assume/hope the clipboard can behave similarly. This would let Cocreate -> Cocreate copy/paste work with the internal database representations.

Although the example app you linked doesn't fill a image/svg+xml slot, I imagine it could, for apps that support it. Worth testing with programs like Inkscape and Illustrator.

edemaine commented 3 years ago

For those following this issue, cut/copy/paste via Ctrl/Command-X/C/V now works quite well. In particular, you can now copy objects from one page to another, or even between boards! You can also paste links to images and they'll get embedded (part of #144), or paste text and it'll turn into a text object (part of #142).

ashawdr commented 3 years ago

@edemaine I'm not quite sure what I might be doing wrong, but I cannot seem to copy text from one board to the next using crtrl C then V. I can't even copy/paste text within the same board. Any advice?

edemaine commented 3 years ago

What server, operating system, and browser are you using? For CSAIL, Windows, Chrome it works well.

ashawdr commented 3 years ago

Gather.Town, Windows, and Chrome. I think the issue might be with Gather, I'm just not quite sure how to fix it.

edemaine commented 3 years ago

Yeah, Gather.Town is running an older version of Cocreate, which doesn't have this feature. We need to wait until they update...

tckmn commented 3 years ago

I've started implementing

Should the objects be offset to be visible if they aren't?

in the commit above; here are some conceptual questions copied from the commit message:

  • edemaine#94 suggests this should only apply if the original location falls outside the viewport. Is it ever desirable that pasted content appears exactly at its original location? If so, should the test be "original location entirely on screen" or "original location partially on screen"?

  • It would be nice if pasted content could appear at the mouse instead (a la Inkscape), but unfortunately it seems like there's no way to get the cursor position without a mouse event, and doing something like storing the position of the most recent mouse event seems messy.

  • Should the paste offset always be grid-snapped even if snapping is disabled? This is probably barely noticeable when unwanted but greatly annoyance-reducing when wanted.

edemaine commented 3 years ago

I think I'm now convinced that Ctrl-V should paste in the center of the view, or mouse cursor if it's been seen since the last pointerleave event. (This matches Inkscape behavior. Illustrator always pastes at center of view.)

Ctrl-Alt-V (Inkscape's shortcut) or Ctrl-Shift-V could be the new way to access "paste in place". It's useful e.g. when copying things into previously duplicated pages. It will only work for content copied from the current Cocreate window, but that's probably all we need.

Should probably only round when grid snapping is off.