edemo / PDEngine

voting engine using ADA authentication and condorcet method
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vote result is stored as json #206

Open magwas opened 5 years ago

magwas commented 5 years ago

Behaviour: Vote/Compute vote results;result is stored as json string


@tested_operation("Compute vote results")

@tested_behaviour("result is stored as json string")

A testable aspect of function: a set of pre- and postconditions.

Deviation in model

valentinbujdoso commented 5 years ago

It is blocked by the other compute vote results tickets, right? So I cannot store the compute votes results without the result.

magwas commented 5 years ago

Everything can be mocked around.

szirbucz commented 5 years ago


szirbucz commented 5 years ago

What should the JSON contain? Why do we need to store it?

magwas commented 5 years ago

see https://adadocs.demokracia.rulez.org/PDEngine/edemo/master/index.html#713a3fb0-7a41-4011-b572-b988e933af20

behaviours related to information contained:

It does the tallying contains the beat table It does the tallying contains the transitive closure of the beat paths It does the result contains the cast votes with associated assurances It does the result contains tallying for each counted assurances It does the tallying contains the winners list It does the winners list marks the condorcet winner It does the winners list contains the looses to previous winner It does the winners list contains the looses to the first one It does if canVote is false, the result is timestamped It does the timestamp of the result is stored with the result It does the time of generation is stored near the result It does vote result includes the votes cast with the secret cast vote identifier.