edendevelopment / cfi

Childrens' Future International
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Change People page text fields #19

Open chrismdp opened 13 years ago

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

For the categories "social development information", there are some topics unnecessary. Since we have the households, I would like to have the topics "type of housing", "permance of housing" and "Ideas of carers about education" removed from the profile of the people and added to the households (with the headline "Entire Situation").

Moreover I would like to have the topics "surroundings and neighbourhood", "support from other organisations" and "Observation from visits" (but please let the last two also in the person profile).

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

Couple of questions here:

Moreover I would like to have the topics "surroundings and neighbourhood", "support from other organisations" and "Observation from visits" (but please let the last two also in the person profile).

Do you mean you want these left in 'people'? or moved to household?

Also, what do you want to do with the data that you've already entered in the students? We can automatically append it to the household they're in, or just delete it...

ClaudiusCfi commented 13 years ago

'support from other organisations' and 'observation from visits' should be doubled. i want them to be in 'people' as well as in 'households.

about the data: thats why it would be nice to have the print function so i can print the already existing profiles out. I will add the data to the households afterwards. so would be not a problem to use them.

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

ok so we will double 'support from other organisations' and 'observation from visits'.

Should 'surroundings and neighbourhood' be in just household and not people?

We will add the print function first, so that you can print out the old ones, and not lose data.

ClaudiusCfi commented 13 years ago

i'm sorry that i reply so late but we don't have constantly internet at our office. yes surroundings and neighbourhood just in household. thanks