edendevelopment / cfi

Childrens' Future International
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Break down programme work into simple steps #5

Closed chrismdp closed 13 years ago

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

Here's a feature for the work (feel free to edit the text to make this fit the steps);

Features: Add a programme
   In order to track which students are on which programmes
   As a user
   I want to create and manage programme information

   Scenario: Create a student's new programme
     Given I am a new, authenticated user
     And a student called "Oum Bora"
     When I create a new programme for to "Oum Bora"
     Then the student "Oum Bora" should have their school programme information listed

  Scenario: Edit a student's school programme
    Given I am a new, authenticated user
    And a student called "Oum Bora" with a school programme
    When I edit the school programme for "Oum Bora"
    Then the school programme for "Oum Bora" will be updated to reflect the changes

Here's the SchoolProgramme schema (imagining that this is a simple rails model belonging to student):

Date of first attendance (date) Times available to attend CFI classes (string) CFI Classes taken (string) Performance at CFI school notes (string) Attendance at CFI school notes (string) Behavioural changes (string) CFI Educational Plan (text)

Aimee, does this look right?

johnpaulashenfelter commented 13 years ago

I've got this one!

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

Oops: posted from wrong account :) sorry.

How is work progressing on this?

ClaudiusCfi commented 13 years ago

hm. i would like you to add: CFI football team (then a square where you can cross if yes) and then a string for the name of the team (like 'under 15' or sth.) and a question about that: do you link the profiles to the courses the person is in? so you have sth. like a drop down field, where you can choose all the existing courses and then there is a link on the persons profile to the course.

johnpaulashenfelter commented 13 years ago

WOW, I completely dropped off the face of the earth for far longer than expected. Shall we start again?

chrismdp commented 13 years ago

please do!