Open Amraki opened 3 years ago
I've managed to circumvent the error with the following code added to binance_trade_bot\
if self.binance_client.get_symbol_info(ticker_symbol) is None:
return None
I have no idea how efficient this is to check each time. It may be better to cache confirmed symbol pairs. I'll leave that decision to someone more qualified.
worked for me as well.
seem to happen again and the solution @Amraki suggested doesn't work. any new suggestions?
Edit: make sure you put a valid coin in
for manager in backtest(datetime(2022, 1, 1), btc_value = manager.collate_coins("BTC")
Github and Python noob here so I hope this is correct.
Reference previous #279. This appears to occur if the symbol/ticker isn't valid. This may even be a discrepancy between 'com' and 'us' servers. In this case, BTTUSDT does not show up for me on Are validation checks being made before attempting to fetch prices?
Click to expand console log
```py 2021-05-14 02:52:50,833 - backtesting_logger - INFO - Fetching prices for ADAUSDT between 2021-01-01 00:00:00 and 01 Jan 2021 16:40:00 2021-05-14 02:52:58,782 - backtesting_logger - INFO - Bought ADA, balance now: 548.4555 - bridge: 0.007030000000000314 2021-05-14 02:53:01,135 - backtesting_logger - INFO - Initializing