edent / Renault-Zoe-API

A basic API for getting information about your Renault Zoe Electric Vehicle.
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Error on zeservices.py file #14

Open slflorida opened 6 years ago

slflorida commented 6 years ago

I am trying use the Python to connect to my ZOE car and I have been receiving this error. Could you help me to solve it?

File "zoe-console.py", line 32, in zeServices = ZEServices(credentials['ZEServicesUsername'], credentials['ZEServicesPassword']) File "/etc/openhab2/scripts/shared/zeservices.py", line 25, in init self.accessToken = self.getAccessToken(user, password) File "/etc/openhab2/scripts/shared/zeservices.py", line 66, in getAccessToken except FileNotFoundError: NameError: global name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined

!/usr/bin/env python

Third party library; "pip install requests" if getting import errors.

import requests

We use JSON to parse tokens and our token file storage.

import json

We read JWT tokens which are base64 encoded.

import base64

We check the token expiry time.

import time

class ZEServices:

API Gateway.

servicesHost = 'https://www.services.renault-ze.com'

This prevents the requests module from creating its own user-agent.

stealthyHeaders = {'User-Agent': None, 'DNT':'1'}

def init(self, user, password):

Generate the ZE Services token.

self.accessToken = self.getAccessToken(user, password)

def getAccessToken(self, user, password): try:

File contains refresh_token followed by the JWT token.

with open('credentials_token.json', 'r') as tokenStorage: tokenData = json.load(tokenStorage)

We could be using python_jwt but even the official ZE Services ("decodeToken") does it this crude way, so why overcomplicate things?

splitToken = tokenData['token'].split('.')

Check it looks semi-valid.

if len(splitToken) != 3: raise ValueError('Not a well formed JWT token')

Get the JSON payload of the JWT token.

jsonPayload = base64.b64decode(splitToken[1])

Parse it as JSON.

token = json.loads(jsonPayload)

Is the token still valid? If not, refresh it.

if(time.gmtime() > time.gmtime(token['exp'])): url = ZEServices.servicesHost + '/api/user/token/refresh'

# We just send the file as we are not adding anything else into it, if this changes the following 2 key-value pairs are mandatory.
#payload = {'refresh_token': tokenData['refresh_token'], 'token': tokenData['token']}
payload = tokenData

response = requests.post(url, headers=ZEServices.stealthyHeaders, json=payload).json()

# Overwrite the current token with this newly returned one.
tokenData['token'] = response['token']

# Save this refresh token and new JWT token so we are nicer to Renault's authentication server.
with open('credentials_token.json', 'w') as outfile:
 json.dump(tokenData, outfile)

Return the token (as-is if valid, refreshed if not).

return tokenData['token']

We have never cached an access token before.

except FileNotFoundError: url = ZEServices.servicesHost + '/api/user/login' payload = {'username':user, 'password':password} api_json = requests.post(url, headers=ZEServices.stealthyHeaders, json=payload).json()

We do not want to save all the user data returned on login, so we create a smaller file of just the mandatory information.

tokenData = {'refresh_token' : api_json['refresh_token'], 'token' : api_json['token']}

Save this refresh token and JWT token for future use so we are nicer to Renault's authentication server.

with open('credentials_token.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(tokenData, outfile)

The script will just want the token.

return api_json['token']

def apiCall(self, path): url = ZEServices.servicesHost + path headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.accessToken, 'User-Agent': None} return requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()

edent commented 6 years ago

It says it can't find the file credentials_token.json

Do you have that file?