edgafner / dorkag

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[BUG]: Absence of ability to approve pull requests #54

Closed olegpoltora closed 4 months ago

olegpoltora commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug I can't see button for approving a pull request as I can see at screenshot at plugin's info page.

Screenshots It's YOUR screenshot at plugin's page: image

It's mine photo (sorry for quality): 20240120_145200

Desktop (please complete the following information):

JetBrains IDE (please complete the following information):

olegpoltora commented 6 months ago

Settings for repository: image

Jonatha1983 commented 5 months ago

Hi @olegpoltora

Will investigate this issue next week, thanks for reporting

Jonatha1983 commented 5 months ago

@olegpoltora, sorry for the delay.

I looked, and it looks like your plugin user ID is different from the PR author ID - so I think it is a bug of mine, but yours is a particular case, and I need your help to spot the bug entirely.

Can you open a browser and paste this:


and let me know if the email address you see there is the one of the PR's Author


MrBalum commented 5 months ago

@Jonatha1983 Hello i encountered the same issue: Should i dump the respone of : https://app.vssps.visualstudio.com/_apis/profile/profiles/me

here ?

Jonatha1983 commented 5 months ago

Hi @MrBalum

You can just let me Know if the email that appears there is the one you expect to be used to work with the plugin

And in case there is only one email in there - can you confirm that more than one user has the same email in Azure Devops organization?

MrBalum commented 5 months ago

@Jonatha1983 Yeah absoluty as expected. Username and Email-Adress is as Expected: My Actual Version of PHPStorm is: 2023.3.4 image

The Account is configured an i can work also with this account. I can comment and Manage PR´s but Approval is not functional. If i switch the plugin option Azure DevOps Theme on then a button appears to approve and if i select some of the options of the selectbox the Plugin does nothing there...


Jonatha1983 commented 5 months ago

@MrBalum Thanks for the input!!

I am debugging - can you check this URL as well:


and see if it has the following structure:

  authenticatedUser: {
    id: "XXXXXX",
    descriptor: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;EEEEEE\jgafner@dorkag.com",
    subjectDescriptor: "aad.XXXX",
    providerDisplayName: "jonathan gafner",
    isActive: true,
    properties: {
      Account: {
        $type: "System.String",
        $value: "jgafner@dorkag.com"
    resourceVersion: 2,
    metaTypeId: 0
  authorizedUser: {
    id: "XXXXXX",
    descriptor: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;EEEEEE\jgafner@dorkag.com",
    subjectDescriptor: "aad.XXXXXX",
    providerDisplayName: "jonathan gafner",
    isActive: true,
    properties: {
      Account: {
        $type: "System.String",
        $value: "jgafner@dorkag.com"
    resourceVersion: 2,
    metaTypeId: 0
  instanceId: "EEEE",
  deploymentId: "EEEE",
  deploymentType: "hosted",
  locationServiceData: {
    serviceOwner: "XXXXX",
    defaultAccessMappingMoniker: "PublicAccessMapping",
    lastChangeId: 43474974,
    lastChangeId64: 43474974
MrBalum commented 4 months ago

Hey @Jonatha1983 The Output ist exactly the same, only the ids are diffrent but this is expected :D

The Structure of our Team ist Organization/Project/Repo and i cant choose a other diffrent repository to work on ist that normal ? But i have the access rights for the other repos.

Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

Hi @MrBalum

Can you check this version - should have a fix


I uploaded to the EAP channel a version that should work for your case:

Version 2024.1.28


Just so you know, you must remove the old user if you have one - I tested this multiple times with different scenarios. I am pretty sure it should work well for your scenario, but please let me know if not.

MrBalum commented 4 months ago

Hey @Jonatha1983

i tried the new version and it seems like that this fix is incompatible with the whitespace in our Project Name image


Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

You need to remove old account - you can do it under settings > version control >azure devops

Then login again

MrBalum commented 4 months ago

I removed the old account reinstalled the plugin and used following server Syntax


Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

And that is the error you got?

MrBalum commented 4 months ago

Thats the ERROR: Could not connect to repository https://dev.azure.com/DEXPRO/DEXPRO%20Platform with account https://dev.azure.com/MrBalum@dexpro.de HTTP Request Request GET https://dev.azure.com/DEXPRO%2FDEXPRO%2520Platform%2F_apis%2Fgit%2Frepositories%2FSQUEEZE?includeParent=true&api-version=7.2-preview.1 failed with status code 404 and response body

Im acutally searching for the debug logs of the plugin to provide more informations

Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

It is ok - I will upload in few hours a new version with a fix If you have a project without spaces to check will be great

You used the Pat token as is copied from azure devops rigth? Thanks for reporting

Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

@MrBalum New EAP version: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/22319-azd/edit/versions/eap 2024.1.29 I tested it with organization, project, and repo with white spaces, and it worked.

Please let me know if it fixes this issue.

MrBalum commented 4 months ago

@Jonatha1983 great thanks to you my friend ! Hard work pays off ! It is working perfectly, the abillity of appoving is given ! Close that bug

Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

@MrBalum, thank you for the update!!

If you could spare 20 seconds, I would greatly appreciate a kind review on the plugin marketplace page.

Your feedback helps me promote the plugin and continue dedicating time to its improvement.


Jonatha1983 commented 4 months ago

You need to remove old account - you can do it under settings > version control >azure devops

Then login again
